
They will open for PJ in Dusseldorf and I really think it's cool to see them again. I own both their albums and think they have a great sound. I heard they have a new album on the way, any1 have any info on that?
your light's reflected now
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I really like Interpol, wish I could see them...
and PJ of course
I hope I am lucky.
"I have come here to chew bubble-gum, and kick ass! And I'm all out of bubble-gum!" R.P.
eh, if you wanna go that route interpol AND the editors are both just joy division/new order knock offs. i see it more as a radiohead/muse thing... and muse is ok in their own right. so are the editors. creed sucks.
if that's what you think, you aren't listening properly.
editors sound nothing like interpol, open your ears.
That would be the best concert EVER! OMG, I can't believe I won't get to see that.
EV - St. Louis 7/1/11 ** Tulsa 11/19/12
i think they've got one due out this year. im anxious. never seen em live... they were at lollapalooza last year but i didnt really know who they were back then. anyway, they're both good bands.
yes. still not really listening, are you?
Is there any idea of the release date of the new Interpol album? their site holds no info.
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
They played 4 new songs - and they were all insanely good. If they are any indication of what the new album is going to sound like then you wont be disappointed. The new songs sounded a little more Turn On The Bright Lights'ish than Anitics'ish (had that dark/atmospheric/noisy vibe). I think one new song was called Mammoth (or something like that)
.....very excited
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
The new album comes out July 10th: "Our Love To Admire". They played 3 songs from it; 2 were "Mammoth" and "The Heinrich Maneuver"...whatever that means. Interpol's never been one to be simply lucid.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
sweet... so it will be out in time for lolla? i cant really get into antics, but after this thread i did pick up both albums and turn on the bright lights is incredible.
I thought Interpol disliked PJ, is this a festival or a PJ gig?
interpol opened for pearl jam recently in europe. and both bands are playing the lollapalooza festival in chicago this sumer. why dyou think they dislike them? i dont know much about interpol so im curious.
I had read where the singer said he admired PJ position (Selling out arenas, having new albums go gold with little press) but he hated their music. I like INterpol, and I want to Interpol to like PJ... Apprently they have come to their senses :>)
~it is shining it is shining~
come to think of it, that does sound familiar. maybe he figured it was no reason not to tour with them. i can see that though... there are a lot of groups i feel that way about. they're great and all and i admire them, but their music just isn't my thing.
lollapalooza is a festival, not a pearl jam gig. and yeah, from what i recall, it was a year or so ago.