why dont these 600+ guests...

get their news from pearljam.com? instead of making it impossible for me to post ANYTHING?!? im sure it sounds rude... but id like to be able to chat about todays bball games and other non-tweet stuff and the whole board is F'ed up...
that said, im just as excited about the tweet as anyone! just getting frustrated that i cant kill time on here as usual...
that said, im just as excited about the tweet as anyone! just getting frustrated that i cant kill time on here as usual...
Post edited by Unknown User on
marker style!!!
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
QQ /wank
it took me like 5 minutes just to finally be able to post this!
The site is just not working too well. Better to lurk on both sites.
I have also been having problems on pearljam.com with it crashing. BTW
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
and may god have mercy on your soul
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
dont you have a gay soldier funeral to protest with your westboro baptist friends?
just making an observation friends
/epic QQ
/epic wanking
/quote vedder - this is not "just" for you
/pontificate "patience is a virtue"
/hug op
Opens bottle and shakes single Xanax into hand.
Gingerly offers pill to sgossard3 along with a nice freshly squeezed glass of homemade lemonade in a welcoming gesture to spring.
Hang in there, it's all gonna be ok - I promise!