We could compile a list of all of these songs and create a cd that would trump waterboarding at Gitmo. Then again, those middle eastern types love some lame ass outdated pop culture stuff, they might actually like it. But if we used on American prisoners, for sure it would be torture. But if they're gay they'd probably find it fun and campy. Oh never mind.
This is extraordinary. I don't even know where to start.
It is time to admit that we used to rock like hurricanes. It is time to run for the hills and go round and round. It is time for us to shout at the devil. We've got the right to choose it, there ain't no way we'll lose it, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- C. Klosterman
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
Tell us how you really feel about it...
I think Mr. Rogers is more butch than brother Carpenter. Jeesh...
- C. Klosterman
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy