Silver Jews and Montonix live, HOLY CRAP!

musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
edited September 2008 in Other Music
Just got back minutes ago from seeing Monotonix and Silver Jews in a very intimate show. Maybe 100 people showed.

Monotonix were the openers, from Tel Aviv. They were the first band I have ever seen who never performed on stage. They set their gear up on the floor and played there. The lead singer called the audience up and we gathered in a circle around the band. The band in the middle. I missed the opening song, but heard tell the lead singer dumped a bunch of water on the drum set. The energy in that room, felt like some kind of bonfire mentality. it was intoxicating. Bon fire in the movies sense. It felt like we could burn the entire world down or something. Or that the world could have burned down outside the venue and we wouldnt have given a damn.

The singer snaked in and out of the crowd. The drum set was passed around in a crowd surfer fashion. The drummer sat perched on one of the "drums" and was held up in the air, and the audience held up the cymbals as he played maybe 7 or 8 feet up in the air. At the end of the set, the guitarist I think left the guitar on the floor, feedback wailing, and the lead singer and drummer went singing and banging away, walking out of the main stage or floor and into the lobby, and out into a little walkway where people go out to take a smoke break. We all crammed in this small walkway. The drummer again stood on his drum set as the crowd lifted him up, and fell out into the crowd and they caught him. The band ended the set with an impromptu "fuck you I wont do what you tell me" rant for a few bars.

I knew the night was special after that. THAT was the OPENING BAND!

Silver Jews were up next and the lead singer is one of the most "unrock and roll" looking people I have ever seen, and he said it was their 9th show EVER, but they were flawless. Every song was great. I was dancing away. The lead singer has an odd but captivating stage prescence.

This was one of the best shows I have ever seen and one of the greatest nights of my life. You MUST see both of these bands.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • aren't they fantastic!! i think i made a post about them a month ago...more people need to check these guys out.

    i saw them open for matt & kim at a tiny art was insane. the lead singer was climbing the rafters, they started their set by lighting the cymbals aflame, moved the entire crowd/drums/band to the parking lot outside. one of the best shows i've ever seen!!
    yes...i do feel like a human. i do not feel like a tree.
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