
Anyone like their stuff from the mid 90's?
I have been listening to Zooropa, Pop and Auchtung baby, all sold poorly and are considered their least successful albums, but all of them are pretty darn good.
U2 can do no wrong in my mind.
I liked All that you can leave behind better than the new cd, but its still a great Cd.
u2 rocks.
I have been listening to Zooropa, Pop and Auchtung baby, all sold poorly and are considered their least successful albums, but all of them are pretty darn good.
U2 can do no wrong in my mind.
I liked All that you can leave behind better than the new cd, but its still a great Cd.
u2 rocks.
Post edited by Unknown User on
But Pop and Zooropa are straight up gay.
I'm just so fucking sick about U2 right now!!!! Thing is they just played two dates at my city and everybody went so fucking insane with them... on the radio you only listened to U2, everybody was talking about U2, TV, newspapers, radio, web sites... everything about fucking U2... like if Jesuschrist would have came down to Earth for the 2nd time... well, no, I'm sure they wouldn't do so much if that was the case... everybody saying this was the best band in the world and things like that... thing is they haven't played in Mexico for a while and now everyone went fucking nuts... I can understand excitement about a band but not this kind of madness... I mean this band didn't want to come to Mexico because in their last visit there was an incident with the security guys of the son of the then president... and because of that they refused to come to Mexico like in 7 years... kind of punishing an entire country because of what a few beasts did... and now Bono, the messiah, forbids us and agrees to come down to this third world country and everybody goes there and do a bow to this holy international rock stars... come on!! none mentions the Atomic Bomb record is one of the most boring pieces of crap relaesed in the last few years... these are stars living from the inertia of their past glories but that don't have anything of interest to say anymore, and people goes there and sleeps for days to get the best place in the general admission area... man, this country is insane! because this braggin' -excuse me for it, really- is not so much against U2 but against the people that is so blind and narrowed right here... I'd like to see if they play the Stones all day now that they'll be playing in late February... surely not, because the young lads don't give a damn about the Stones, because they haven't been fed up by media telling them "they are the best band around, they have the best songs... and their singer is so cute"... really, it was a bad week to live in Mexico if you love music, it just came to show how much of what is considered art in our present is determined by marketing and media... I would've loved to be listening PJ 7/24 when they came last december, of course that didn't happen.... and you know what, that's good, because radio and media are there to open the alternatives of people, not to dictate what we all should be liking and listening... and this thing with u2 really became something sick... sorry, but just yesterday I reached to the point where I said "no, I can't bare listening to With or Without You for the 100th time"... is senseless, is crazy and is pervert... sorry, really sorry if I offend anybody, but if you would've been here this week you, at least would understand... sorry, but I just saw u2 and said have to post this or I'm just gonna explode... I still have plenty respect for their work until Zooropa, but since then I've just seen this band that I used to love fall every time lower... and as I said, this is not so much about the band itself, but about the blindness and lack of aesthetical criticism from the people here... no more u2 for me, please... it was like living in a small town where everyone goes crazy when any singer goes there, but I live in one of the biggest cities, around the world, for fuck's sake, where there are people who may like u2, but most probably people who likes different things... well, the stones, oasis and the sisters of mercy will be playing soon, that should heal me from all the crazyness of the last week.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
have you ever considered therapy or medication? there were plenty of folks around ehre doing the same shit with pearl jam, even though many people agree their last two albums havent been all that spectacular and they seem to be riding high on past glory... seems like a double standard to me.
anyway, i think the original poster is crazy if they think achtung baby didnt sell well. that album was HUGE. 'one' could be the biggest single they've ever released.
granted, the next two didnt receive quite the same reception. i LOVE achtung and zooropa, both are incredible albums with some of their finest work. but ill admit pop was a step down. it got panned becos i think the expectations were way too high for it when it was released. they hadnt had new material in 4-5 years at that point and it was a bit jarring. that said, it does ahve some excellent songs (and also a few filler tracks). it's better than the anti-hype.
to weigh in on the last two... i definitely prefer the latest to all that you can leave behind. the second half of 'all that...' loses steam and closes pretty weak i think. but i think the latest record holds up much more strongly over the course of the entire record and i think it's anthems and rockers easily compare to the prior album's. i think a lot of people were put off to see vertigo blasting 100 times on ipod commercials every hour is all. that song got overexposed and people turned on them for it, even though it's as strong as say... elevation.
I dont know how to respond to that bizaare post.
Anyways fife, its nice to see someone else agrees with me about pop.
I sense an intense hatred of u2 on this board. I never understand people who cant stand other bands.
I dont like britney spears, so I dont listen to the radio, and listen to her cd's. Solves the problem.
All I know is I am listening to Pop right now and its a solid cd. I like bands that experiment, ie tool and radiohead, bands that could care less about critical praise and selling records but are more interested in pushing the boundaries of music and making music that blows ones mind
yeah, but you don't see/hear PJ EVERYWHERE when they come here... you have no idea what it was here... it was like when the Spanish came here in Renaissence and got gold in exchange for small pieces of glass... really outrageous.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
seriously, how many top notch, world renowned rock bands drop into your neighborhood each year? of course it was a big deal. hell, i have to put up with that kind of crap when TED NUGENT comes to toledo. so what? it's not THAT big a deal man.
U2 is a big deal. they're a huge band, and hate it all you like, they're the biggest band out there today. bigger than the rolling stones, way bigger than pearl jam. when a band like that doesn't come by for 7 years and then decides to drop in... it's going to create some hype.
pearl jam hasn't toured europe in 6 years... when they go there this fall... i can guarantee most european cities will be like this for pearl jam. it's no reason to hate on the band. if you dont wanna hea 'with or without you' 100 times, change the channel. i just think you're over-reacting a little bit.
I know maybe I'm overreacting, but if you read the post is not so much about the band but about the media, I mean I work in part for the media and know it's no good to let yourself be driven by YOUR OWN passion as some people on the radio did, I understand they might be talking about u2, what I don't stand is that they ONLY play and talk about u2... you can't do that in a city of 20 million people... because there should be people who wants to listen/know something else that is not u2... and we talk about PUBLIC radio, the only rock station here, which adds more to my point, you can't focus a public space to a single isssue...
How many big bands come here, well at least in the last 15 years I can tell you a lot, just in a couple of weeks the Stones will be playing, then Oasis and you don't see people loosing their minds to it... which maybe I can understand in ordinary people, but not in someone who has a responsability towards an audience... maybe in a few days I'll be more relaxed on this, but right now this goes beyond my own control... imagine a world where you only have ONE band to choose... well, that's what my country/city became this week... and in the car I can only listen to radio, for example, and believe me I didn't want to listen u2 and nothing else.... radio belongs to everyone, not to a bunch of fans of anyone (call it u2, pj, anyone, radio is there to offer differente alternatives.)
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
I changed the channel... and there was u2 again... that's the whole point to my post... it made me feel ashamed of us as a country... made us feel so small, so impressionable.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
I do however think the stripped down single version of "Please"(as well as the live version, which I thought was awesome at the MTV VMA's that year, but left most of the crowd looking on stunned and had Chris Rock saying Bono looked like the Unabomber) is far superior to the album version. My only criticism of Pop was that a couple of songs were overproduced, with too much added, Please most notably.
- Mr. Edward Vedder 7/11/03
Wake Up Dead Man is one of my favorite U2 songs - it was originally written before Achtung. Staring at the Sun and Playboy Mansion are good tracks as well.
- Mr. Edward Vedder 7/11/03
THANK YOU!!! I'm glad someone else here pointed that out. To the original poster, I'm glad you are a fan
I also like All That You Can't Leave Behind better than Atomic Bomb, but thats not to say Atomic Bomb is bad cause I really liked it.
ZOOROPA is a great album in my books, but pop sucks and everyone will agree with that i believe!
saw them for the first time twice in vancouver,,,,blew me away, amazing shows
I can't agree with you!
POP is really good material!!
Discotheque, gone, wake up dead man...staring at the sun...velvet...great songs!
It's just because they're so non-tipycal-u2 songs that makes them good to me!
U2 ***R**U**L**E**S***
I totally agree...underneath all the techno-experimentalism are some well written songs. I really like Pop.
I've been listening to these guys non-stop lately. I've always liked them, but their huge success and larger than life egos always irritated me. But lately, I just get them. Their music can be pretty uplifting when you feel like shit, which we all do from time to time.