RHCP record in April

According to rolling stone, april 2006 is the month of the new red hot chili peppers cd, they will tour in support of it at that time.
PJ and new RHCP all in the same month
PJ and new RHCP all in the same month
Post edited by Unknown User on
sounds good to me! thanks for the info che...
and to try and steal the thunder from pj?
sorry but i used to love this band and they just suck satans cock now.....
sure they do, a band decides to change up their sound and even though they sell LESS records, they stick with it. What a bunch of sell-outs. You my friend need to except change.
Whatever you say.
Some die just to live.
I'm glad that they aren't doing the same thing they did in 1992. Pearl Jam isn't doing the same thing in 1992 and you give them a pass. But the Peppers changed it up and got a bit more poppy and they are all over satan's cock? They grew older and changed. I see no issues with that. Move along simple man...
although props for the Bill Hicks reference with the whole "satan's cock" thing.
is that a bill hicks refrence, i thought it was a vulgarised reference of Eddie Vedders "I'll never suck satans dick" from Satans Bed, lol.
No dis-respect to any chillies fans but ive been so dissapointed with the last two albums. They seem to just start churning out bubblegum pop now.
Mothers milk and b.s.s.m. were groundbreaking albums. they went off the rails with dave and then when john came back all clean and healthy they decide to make 'safe' records that have these supposed subliminal references to cocks and recklessness and shit that we can blatantly see and that they have already told us anyway. Cabron was the closest they came to sounding like what they should have done.
And as for the simple man comment buena,ill let that slide for now but name calling is a bit childish no? im just saying what i think. Have some dignity and dissagree politley and state your case ******man
quote from Amadi Ajamu
Flea and John both said this album will be harder and more natural sounding then the last couple.
they're honest when they talk about these things too.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Flea and John both said this album will be harder and more natural sounding then the last couple.
they're honest when they talk about these things too.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
This for me says it all,they even agree the last two albums werent 'the normal chilli affairs'..................
I was not a huge fan of "Califonication". I was all excited about the return of John, and this album was a bit of a dissappointment for me. But I did enjoy "By The Way" much more.
You are not one of the few! The album sold well as did their tour around it. I like the older stuff, but I like the newer too. I will be happy if the new album has a harder sound to it though.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Oh dude, I totally agree!! "By the Way" was amazing!!! I think that it's been the Chili Peppers' best album so far, that and One Hot Minute were awesome. BSSM was amazing too, and Californication rocked, but I didn't get into it as much as some of their other stuff.
-Eddie Vedder
6/24/06 Cincinatti, Ohio
6/14/08 Manchester, Tennessee
i love the chili peppers.....and hubby will be particularly happy.
question - where was it stated that pjs new album will come out in april??? how'd i miss this???
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
"i'll go finish some things up in january.. which means it will come out in april or something"
if you haven't read the article go now! search for it! its a good, short read
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
There have been bits and pieces of info over the past...six months maybe? Their site is rarely updated and I think the only thing that was posted there was that they were in the studio. The album was supposed to be out in October and they premiered two new songs at their Borgata show but suddenly they pushed it back to 'early next year'. They say its their hardest effort to date and people who have heard the new songs say theyre reminiscent of Blood Sugar Sex Magik. The album was originally titled something different, but recently I found the title STADIUM ARCADIUM on a music news site(a fairly reliable one). Yeah so thats all I know....
oh one of the new songs was Ready Made but I cant remember the other one...
Some die just to live.
they said this last spring, only it was "sometime before the end of the year." at their work pace this means we'll get it maybe by the end of summer. i'll believe it when i see it.
Excellent! Supreme!
cool! :cool:
surprised i didn't see 10 threads about it on the porch - haha - myabe when i wasn't around as much, or i simply wasn'ty paying attention...?
edit - oh, and am still completely psyched for new RHCP album as well - great music ahead!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
you're fucking kidding, right?
Dont get me wrong i love the chillies but its like they have been living in Mary Whitehouse's rehab clinic for the last four years!! Cabron is something different and the rest of the album is the same semi-ballad type songs and the same riff's just jumbled up a bit......
Hope they meant what they said! I'm really looking forward the new LP and would love to hear more funky tunes and see some long worldwide tour following the release of the new album.
06/15/00 katowice
06/16/00 katowice
09/22/06 prague
09/23/06 berlin
09/25/06 vienna
06/13/07 chorzow
Around the World
Parallel Universe
Get on Top
Purple Stain
Emit Remmus
I Like Dirt
This Velvet Glove
thats off of Californication, just off the top of my head and I believe thats about half or more than half of the songs on the album
and then By the Way has
By the Way
Cant Stop
Throw Away Your Television
This is the Place
Zephyr Song
On Mercury
Minor Thing
still a lot of strictly non ballad songs...
These are just the ones I could think of and that are blatantly NOT ballads, there are a few I was questioning...
either way, I still love those two albums and theyre better than most of the other ones anyway.
Some die just to live.
I just prefer the early stuff and i think they should get back to being genre defining instead of easy listening. bssm was fantastic and stayeed on my hi-fi for years after it came out. Mothers milk was class aswell and the really early stuff.
Its just the way they have become so mainstream and its not right for a band that should be innovative to just churn out the same album over and over the way they appear to be doing now.
they will be in adverts next you watch........
Guess im not that special :( But By The Way sure as hell is special!!!!!!
they didn't become mainstream....
plus BSSM was ENOURMOUSLY successfull... definetly more so than all the albums that have followed it so far.
softer hits doesn't make them mainstream.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"