Gimme Shelter

I wanted to create a thread to honor both the film and the song. The film is very powerful. Shows the downfall of the flower generation.
The song is very powerful, and chilling. Whats even more interesting is it expresses exactly how I feel as a kid in these times currently about Iraq. Yet the song was written for and about young people during the vietnam era.
Things havent changed much...
A storm is threatening my very life today
Rape, murder is just a shot away...
Mindblowing lyrics when one thinks about the current controversy in American politics is.
As a person growing up in these times, I am ashamed a song my parents listened to expresses everything I feel. I dont mind the fact we listen to the same music, what I do find sickening is kids feel the same way, as they did 30 years ago. We are living in scary times. Its in Pearl jam's cd, its in the new dixie chicks cd, its in ben harpers cd, System of a down's cd's, bruce springsteens', tools' cd. All of these records speak of kids losing innocence, and being bombarded with death daily.
I think ultimately people come to a point where enough is enough. And they push back, and rise up. I hope that time comes sooner rather than later
When will we ever learn...
The song is very powerful, and chilling. Whats even more interesting is it expresses exactly how I feel as a kid in these times currently about Iraq. Yet the song was written for and about young people during the vietnam era.
Things havent changed much...
A storm is threatening my very life today
Rape, murder is just a shot away...
Mindblowing lyrics when one thinks about the current controversy in American politics is.
As a person growing up in these times, I am ashamed a song my parents listened to expresses everything I feel. I dont mind the fact we listen to the same music, what I do find sickening is kids feel the same way, as they did 30 years ago. We are living in scary times. Its in Pearl jam's cd, its in the new dixie chicks cd, its in ben harpers cd, System of a down's cd's, bruce springsteens', tools' cd. All of these records speak of kids losing innocence, and being bombarded with death daily.
I think ultimately people come to a point where enough is enough. And they push back, and rise up. I hope that time comes sooner rather than later
When will we ever learn...