

musicismylife78musicismylife78 Posts: 6,116
edited June 2006 in Other Music
Anyone see this documentary?

Just saw it over the weekend. It was a history of the punk rock scene. Very cool, Black Flag, Clash, Sex pistols, the Damned etc... were discussed.

The movie was very powerful and inspirational. Makes me want to go out and start a punk band
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    TowermanTowerman Posts: 228
    Anyone see this documentary?

    Just saw it over the weekend. It was a history of the punk rock scene. Very cool, Black Flag, Clash, Sex pistols, the Damned etc... were discussed.

    The movie was very powerful and inspirational. Makes me want to go out and start a punk band

    I couldn't watch it when it was out in theaters but I've seen the double DVD at music stores, from what I heard is pretty good so hopefully I'll be getting it soon.
    speaking as a child of the 90's
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    3manstack3manstack Posts: 205
    The extras are cool,

    some idiot old punker is interviewed and he's wrapped up in a bedsheet with a wig made from shaving foam and eyeliner on, I guess it says something for his celebrity that he's only in the extras and not in the main doc.

    Gotta love Rollins, Unshaven, grey hair, he is the Man!
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    viggs20viggs20 Posts: 1,296
    I remember watching it last year when I had cable on IFC....pretty cool documentary.
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    hailhail82hailhail82 Posts: 330
    I didn't think it was very good. Confirmed my beliefs that most punks (there are many exceptions) are rebels without a cause. Or they're just very bad at expressing what it is they stand for. I liked some of what Rollins had to say, Keith Morris too. But so many of those guys are just holding on to the feeling of rebellion they had 25 years ago as their mantra, while their creativity burned out at least 15 years ago.
    Using the word "methinks" in your message board posts doesn't make you look smart.
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