Jon Stewart: "[about Russia's new president]...Dmitri Medevvvevv.... Dmitri Meh..... Dmitri M.! Or... as George W. Bush would probably pronounce it... Eddie Vedder."
He rocks the fuck out and he is a star but I just don't think he is a "Rock Star"
I see what your getting at. He is not a "David Lee Roth" or "Dee Snider" Rock Star... But he is a "Bob Dylan" or "Bruce Springsteen" rock star.
It depends on what your thinking of when you think of Rock Star... He is the complete opposite of the 80's rock stars. But he has a lot in common with ealier "Rock Stars". Its almost like he brought back the glory days. Eddie Vedder.. kickin it old school.
and read the posts below.
I see what your getting at. He is not a "David Lee Roth" or "Dee Snider" Rock Star... But he is a "Bob Dylan" or "Bruce Springsteen" rock star.
It depends on what your thinking of when you think of Rock Star... He is the complete opposite of the 80's rock stars. But he has a lot in common with ealier "Rock Stars". Its almost like he brought back the glory days. Eddie Vedder.. kickin it old school.