Dave Matthews Band

Why do people always talk about this band like they are a frat boys favorite band?
Do you really think at some crazy frat party, that they would rock out to some songs off Under the Table and Dreaming or Crash?
Plus the band is all about things the typical frat boy is completely against. They are activists, support social causes and are pro-environment, anti-mysogynistic, pro-racial unity.
A frat boy or a fraternity in general is in my mind, a group of macho, anti-female, prorape group of individuals whose sole existence is to get drunk and take advantade of women
Why do people link Dave Matthews and frat boys?
Do you really think at some crazy frat party, that they would rock out to some songs off Under the Table and Dreaming or Crash?
Plus the band is all about things the typical frat boy is completely against. They are activists, support social causes and are pro-environment, anti-mysogynistic, pro-racial unity.
A frat boy or a fraternity in general is in my mind, a group of macho, anti-female, prorape group of individuals whose sole existence is to get drunk and take advantade of women
Why do people link Dave Matthews and frat boys?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Go to one of their concerts and find out. That being said I love DMB.
"She fell funny"
"Klaus Daimler, 40, engineer, calm, collected, German"
Basically what I am trying to say is, I always thought their fans were dreadlocked patchuoli drenched hippies.
You haven't been to a DMB concert have you?
I dont know, thats interesting though. I mean go to a String Cheese show, and the crowd there has a certain look, and feel and feeling. I always assumed that was the same crowd and feeling at a DMB show.
I have read quite a few interviews with Dave and he is outspoken politically, after 9/11 he said something about that he felt ashamed to be called an american when people were lumping "immigrants" and "non immigrants" into categories. he said "we all are immigrants, except the natives of course". he was on the VFC tour and such. Their lyrics have a hippie vibe...so I just assumed
The band is also 60% black. The fan base isn't exactly representative of that either.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
DON'T GET OFFENDED IF YOU'RE A DMB FAN, I'M SURE THERE ARE A LOT OF YOU THAT ENJOY LARGE VARIETY OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF ROCK, i'm just saying a lot of the ones i've encountered.....well if i was given their cd collection it would probably be going straight to the used record store.
History is the polemics of the victor...
DMB shows do have a fairly large "frat boy" grouping
And frat boys dont care all that much about music or DMB's music,
they dont really care about dave and his beliefs/stances. . They listen to it because it is whats cool for a frat guy to listen to. from my experience, when people i know talk about a Dave concert, they mostly talk about the alcohol. Even the girls. "Im going to the Dave concert tonight, and i am going to be sooooo wasted." they never say anything about the music itself. Its basically just an event to get wasted at...nothing else.
And Im not saying this is a typical DMB fan. I am saying this is a typical DMB frat boy fan
they dont really care about dave and his beliefs/stances.
Member # 0004
Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
he grew a beard.
It's not a reflection on Dave. The String Cheese Incident have never had to deal with this type of mainstream popularity.
It was the same way at Bruce concerts back in the mid-80's, not so much anymore.
I read somewhere that when DMB played the Vote for Change shows they had some of their "typical audience" members show up and boo and yell things like "Shut up and just play music!" when Dave would start talking about his leftist political views. Supposedly he replied, "You knew what kind of concert this was for when you came here." Morons.
Far moon in a continuing dream
Steam of roasting tea
and for what it's worth, there are a ton of these same people at PJ shows too. you know who they are because they talk during the binaural songs and only participate in songs from ten. but hey, live music's still fucking great, so its easier to just take these people and their crazy drunken stupidity with a grain of salt. they just wanna have a good time too i guess.
well said.....having been to 13 shows i can say there is a heavy "frat boy" contingent.........the ones that show up in matching t-shirts with different band names on the back are my favorite......i hope that is a hazing thing