Arcade Fire in portland

yes another Arcade Fire thread. Anyone who hasnt seen these guys live should definitely go see them. They were incredible. The amount of energy the put into their live set is pretty powerful. The whole venue was going crazy when they played Wake Up.
While seeing pearl jam live is without a doubt a special and magical thing, Arcade Fire may indeed be the best live band on the planet right now. I saw them yesterday, and would have to agree.
While seeing pearl jam live is without a doubt a special and magical thing, Arcade Fire may indeed be the best live band on the planet right now. I saw them yesterday, and would have to agree.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Glad you had a good time, I'm hoping to see them sometime soon myself.
I have never understood why people hate on Arcade Fire. Just because they are popular is a stupid reason. Radiohead, Tool, Rage, Dylan, Uncle Neil, Bruce, My morning Jacket etc... are all popular but are amazing.
And lets not forget, pearl jam was once the best band in the world at a time. People, including myself didnt have single problem with that. But the band did obviously.
If you have seen them live, and dislike them, thats one thing, but to hate on their live shows without ever seeing them is stupid and ignorant.
As a Pearl jam fanatic, I can tell you that Arcade Fire plays with a hell of alot of intensity and power and energy. And to me, thats all that matters.
Thousands and thousands of fans singing wake up and going crazy, dancing like crazy, moving all around, is something to be seen.
I wouldnt skip seeing this band. And I wouldnt act like just because they are the new "it" band, that that alone makes them crap.
Read review of pearl jam shows on this forum. Obviously the fans reviews reflect reality, many many people come out of PJ shows changed, hyped, and altered. Read fan reviews of arcade Fire shows. There really isnt much difference.
Arcade Fire are a band to be experienced. And they arent the greatest band ever, but they are one of the best bands in music currently, and their live shows are unparalleled.
And they obviously are influencing a band we all know and love. Stone was there as I said. Stone has good taste in music.
An amazing visual spectacle (so much going on with 10 people on stage playing their hearts out - they must have been exhausted....I was exhausted just watching them).....and they are ALL incredible/multi-talented musicians
The energy and intenstity was mindblowing - I was actually dancing/clapping/singing (as was everyone in the crowd - nobody sat for 1 second, people rushed the stage as soon as they came out).....I am ALWAYS one of those guys who stands at a concert with his hands in his pockets, tapping his toe and bobbing his head......but there was this insane vibe in the air that night. It REALLY felt like I was seeing something special - a band at their peak doing what they do better than ANYBODY else!!!!!! was a privilege to get to see them.
.....I also heard that Chris Cornell, Billy Corgan, Trent Reznor, Scott Weiland, Layne Staley and Eddie were at the Portland show - now watch the LOVE start flowing in
(Che - name dropping artists from amazing indie bands ain't gonna garner much love on this board....people here need their '90s Grunge icons)
and they all eat rainbows and pooh butterflies!
the one lead girl couldnt seem to figure out which quirky instrument she wanted to play...just ran around banging on things for a couple of seconds at a time. give me a band that doesnt need a bunch of clutter on the stage and can play their instruments well.
i suppose i would have enjoyed it more if i closed my eyes.....
(Bjork was phenominal by the way)
i disagree. Thats whats so cool about AF. How many other bands are as popular as they are and feature a hurdy gurdy, a violin, and on one song features a accordion solo. They are unique. 12 members on stage at live gigs.
I dont think they are like every other indie band at all. And how does Win or Regine sound like every other indie rock singer? They sound unique to me.
Didn't happen. I listen to a lot of different types of music, and I don't think the Arcade Fire is "bad", they just don't do anything for me.
i think thats what makes me cool in my eyes. No band member plays a set instrument. They all alternate. None of them is the best drummer, or singer or guitarist or bassist in history but they are talented and can play.
you must have seen them on an off night. They are well known for interacting with fans and the crowd. At the show I went to Win was very talkative and even went into the crowd and was grabbing peoples cell phones and cameras and taking pictures of the audience. The band seemed to be really into getting the crowd into it.
I also think that they are intentionally wanting to have alot going on, on the stage. They have talked about they want their shows to resemble circus's or such events. They want to be unique.
As I said before, the bands that play as if EVERY show is their last, and play as if they soul of everyone in the room is at stake, are far and few between. Arcade Fire is one of those special bands
and yet...
well does PJ play like every show is their last? I would say yes.
But anyone here can agree that they sometimes play live and it is an offnight.
25 May 2005
The Canadian Press
Eh, no worries dude. If we all liked the same stuff, life would be boring, tra la la, potato, potahto and all that.
AF puts on a great show, full of communal spirit, youthful abandon and a sense of urgency. Their intensity reminds me of that of PJ's when they play "State of Love & Trust".
Their set at Coachella, more then any set I have seen there since 2001, really unified the crowd. True, there is a lot going on with so many members, but that makes the vibe even better in this case.
To me, AF really represents what is great about current bands.
great post Joe. You say everything very succinctly. Thats what i am trying to get forth here. The feeling in the venue as Arcade Fire is playing, its pretty spectacular. Its like everyone is in sync, and people get it. They get it. Your comment about the communal spirity and sense of urgency is spot on. Their songs seem to have a real sense of urgency.
This band has alot of buzz. A ton of hype. And it would be easy for them to not live up to it. For them to be crappy live, and for the crowd to be made up of some people who GET IT and alot of people who arent into it, and are just sitting there, and looking blankly as the band plays.
The truth is, you cant really explain to people how great they are live. It has to be experienced. just the feeling of Wake Up being played, and 2,000 people singing along, and going crazy, its a special feeling.
I would be surprised if AF is a flash in the pan band who disappear in 5 years. I think they are here to stay.
In 2005 evidently at the previous Portland show, they were playing their final song, and they just walked out of the Roseland, and kept playing on the street for people, and ended up playing for 20 more minutes.
Do yourself a favor, go see AF live.