U2 in the 90s

so my friend and I were talking about sellouts and I went on my usually tirade about how U2 were so fucking good but when nobody bought Pop they just went back to rerecording the Joshua tree (the first time was alright but the second time-the atomic bomb record-was just lame and forgettable). The thing is since hardly anyone likes their 90s stuff other than Actung baby no one minds. Well you know what Pearl Jam message pit? I mind. Anyways I just listened to Zooropa and for the longest time I thought of it as a weak record with a few strong songs but this time I noticed that every song if not great is at the very least good. I still think that Actung and Pop are better records but seeing as they basically did this record in their spare time during ZOOTV it's pretty remarkable. The point is they could have done what they are doing now and just played it safe and sold millions but they had the balls to try something with these albums and they are easily the best work they have done.
"I'm not suicidal, except when I drink. That's why we don't all drink at the same time, there'd be no-one alive to drive home..."
Chris Cornell
Chris Cornell
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Can you see me now
I am myself
Like you somehow
I'll ride the wave
Where it takes me
I'll hold the pain
Release me
Pop is definitely underrated, I thought this album was pretty good lyrically. It had some real great tracks, Gone, Last Night On Earth, Do You Feel Loved.
Zooropa was great too, and it has possibly one of the best U2 songs ever on it, Stay (Faraway, So Close!). And was I the only one who really liked Johnny Cash singing The Wanderer lol.... Numb and Lemon also stand out tracks.
That being said, Zooropa and Pop are good albums, but Achtung Baby hands down is their best album of that decade. From start to finish, its brilliant. To go away and completely change their style from the Joshua Tree/Rattle and Hum era.....awesome. It definitely paid off for them
BTW one of their best songs from the 90s is....Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me.....this song is fucking awesome. It was on the Batman Forever soundtrack lol...
thank god that's about the time Seattle came on the scene
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I love all of U2's albums (though not too keen on October, I think it sounds dated now). But, honestly, I'd say my 2 favorites are Zooropa and Atomic Bomb. I seriously think "City of Blinding Lights" and "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own" rank among U2's best songs ever.
As far as Pop goes, I like it a lot. I actually listened to it this past week. Some of the songs ("Do You Feel Loved," "Gone," "Last Night on Earth," "If God Will Send His Angels" and a few others) are excellent. That tour was the first time I saw them live, so I have fond memories of it, as corny as the whole thing was.
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
I agree that from a marketing standpoint Discoteque might not have been the best but at the time it was a prefect lead in to the bombast of the Popmart tour, all over the top and tounge in cheek. But for argument's sake what tracl would you have picked as the lead single?
Chris Cornell
That's a good point about it representing the tour. However, I know that the tour didn't draw very well, at least nowhere near expectations. I think it was all just too over the top, with that tour (though it was quite the spectacle) and the video for Discotheque- especially since that really wasn't what that album was about at all.
Personally I'd have went with Gone as the lead single. That one deserved to be way bigger than it was and is one of U2's best. And judging by how they used to play that one all the time up until their last album, U2 knows it.
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Or 27.:)
that dvd kicks ass.
i have it on laserdisc......yep i'm that guy........:)
go on
Chris Cornell
Some die just to live.
yeah the experimentation is never coming back though and that is the dissapointing thing not that they drifted away from it but that they're never going back to it.
Chris Cornell
but the last two records have have shown that is the only priority for them. I'm not holding my breath and I doubt I'll even bother to buy this one
Chris Cornell
I saw the Zoo TV tour that accompanied it the arena leg and that show still goes down as one of the top three shows I have witnessed.....It was so powerful and so engaging unlike anything I had seen up to that point. For me that was the Apex of my US experience. I have yet to watch the concert DVD from that tour partly because I don't think it could possibly live up to the actual experience. I saw U2 during the All That You Can't Behind tour but it paled in comparison to that Zoo TV show so many years earlier...seemed much more contrived.
Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow
Do those of you that dislike the album dislike "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own" and "City of Blinding Lights" as well?
Everytime I put that cd on, I listen to those songs at least twice.
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage
i agree. it's vastly superior to all that you can't leave behind. id say it ranks very highly in terms of their career too. some fantastic songs on there.
really the only tracks I can say I am enthusiastic about on that record is vertigo (which is their best single since 95) and city of blinding lights is pretty good but sort of blends in with the rest of the album, by that I mean I can't really distinguish it from the rest, yaweh is boring, food from your table is mediocre like the album is just a retread of a retread. It's like Stadium Arcadium, yes it would be an amazing record if they never recorded by the way and californication, since they did it's redundant and useless.
Chris Cornell
i thought it was much more consistent than all you can't leave behind. that album had a great first 5 tracks, but became very boring in the second half. none of the last 4-5 songs on there are worth listening to at all. i don't mind yahweh, and original of the species is pretty good. the only song im not wild about is man and woman or whatever.
ok fair enough but we're getting off point here, the thing is can you really compare these two records to the ones from the 90s? I mean even if you find Zoorpoa and Pop too "techno" or whatever you have to admit they were trying something and I think really succeeded.
Chris Cornell
I agree with the "All That You Can't Leave Behind" comment. Its starts off so strong, but there is nothing memorable after "In A Little While"
we sit around and wonder exactly why our marriage should feel threatened by gay marriage