sad Ryan Adams song

I just heard "La Cienega Just Smiled" by Ryan Adams and i think it is one of the saddest songs i've ever heard. any thoughts on the song or artist?
there'll be time for laughin'
there's no time to cry
soon i will be leavin'
look me in the eye
no matter what's in front of me
it's your face that i'll see
there's no time to cry
soon i will be leavin'
look me in the eye
no matter what's in front of me
it's your face that i'll see
Post edited by Unknown User on
'how'd i end up feeling so bad for such a little girl?'... daaaaamn that's a lyric.
And people say he's hit or miss live......but check out how rediculously good "touch, feel, lose" is in this the 2:30 mark he's almost channeling Janis Joplin.......its wild.
i was in attendance for this one. talk about a smoking performance, along with his cover of 'brown sugar' that day. at the time the comment about sexual energy was a bit annoying and cocky, but now it just makes me laugh, alot. especially the 'fuuuucking' part. i've seen him once since and it wasn't even close to this kind of energy. can't wait for the new record!
See I can totally understand where he is coming from, it's like some of the reviews of the Cornell show I went to last week, as far as my opinion as a fan goes, he was engaging, showed personality, and more than anything, didn't have to be an OTT performer, cause his voice ultimately is what makes the show. If this writer is making a point of trashing Ryan Adams EVERY time he plays that city, that's pretty shitty. Why not let someone else who actually enjoys his music do the review? It would be like sending me to review a fucking Beyonce concert or something!!
Oh and that video of touch,feel,lose - AMAZING!
it really really is.......
oh and if you can, take a listen to i see monsters from love is hell.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
"And everybody wants to see you fall
That's why they always love to get you high"
That song is very sad, but so great! Ryan Adams....there's no one like him.
"When The Stars Go Blue" is fantastic as well.
Brave to try to gamble at times
I like that song I Do It For You from Robin Hood....
oh wait wasn't that Bryan Adams.....
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
See These Bones
His "Rock N Roll" cd kills!
that was a great clip, i love even more the ones from jamaica of the dvd awesome. Loved gold too. I am a huge huge fan of his but must admit some of his albums are patchy and i think if he stopped releasing so much stuff he could put together one killer album, i mean even jeff buckley i.m.o has some average songs and some that are beyond amazing.
Why would you post that? The thread is clearly not a debate on who likes him and who doesn't. Keep your hating/pointless comments to yourself.
Awesome video. I saw him live 4 times. 3 were great shows... probaly in my top 5 shows i ever saw. The one show was horrible. He played maybe 5 songs got really pissed and stormed off the stage.
Hahaha... I don't really know why that made me laugh... maybe because my brother and I make fun of Ryan Adams by mistaking him for Bryan Adams.
Either way, I've been putting Ryan Adams into a more heavy rotation of what I listen to. He kind of reminds me of David Gray.
you know they share the same birthday.
and not only that, the song from Robin Hood by Bryan Adams is called (everything i do) i do it for you and ryan adams did a song while in whiskeytown called everything i do.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
"come pick me up",there is another great tune,america's best living solo artist.
Haha, that's awesome. Bryan Adams... I just remember one day when we were in Best Buy... my brother's like, "Oh, Ryan Adams has a new cd!?!!" and I was like, "Dude, that says Bryan Adams."... and for some reason, we just laughed uncontrollably... maybe because the name Bryan Adams just sounds so funny compared to Ryan Adams... ack, I have weak humor.
A redneck couldnt have said it better. How ya doing , son?
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength