Bell X1 -- anyone here a fan?

walkunafraidwalkunafraid Posts: 2,613
edited November 2008 in Other Music
Recently got introduced to them through a friend. I'm digging on them right now. Kind or remind me of older Radiohead with a bit of newer Radiohead mixed in.

I only have their new album though -- are their others as good?
Everything has chains...Absolutely nothing's changed. - PJ

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” - Albert Camus
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  • ZjorZZjorZ Posts: 15
    I saw them a month ago in Amsterdam. It was in a small room with only 100-200 people or something. The played very good( I like their last two albums, don't know the first one (I heard it wasn't as good as the other two). The second one is hard to get here in Holland, so only know half of the songs from this album. New album is coming early 2009 the singer said at the concert. They did one new song, sounded a bit more heavier rock then most of their songs(like "Tongue" a bit, great song ;) of their 2nd album). It sounded great, so I will really buy their new album. Very talented musicians ;)
  • JordyWordyJordyWordy Posts: 2,261
    like above poster said, their first album is not really that easy to find - and its not really that good either.

    their 2nd album however, (Music In Mouth), is quality. its not as rock-influenced/guitar heavy as Flock though. its got more mid-tempo and ballads on it, although the songs "Tongue" and "White Water Song" are on it and I'd regard those as their heaviest songs. it also has the ballad "Eve, The Apple of My Eye" (which was featured in the early episodes of The OC). There's also a touching song about a dead friend called "In Every Sunflower".

    Lyrically Music In Mouth is similar to Flock, with some very smart, witty and touching lyrics, and some sappy & obvious ones. If you get the chance to see the band live make sure you go, theyre all multi-intrumentalists and they do great vocal harmonies live (eg Flame, Rocky Took A Lover, He Said She Said, Lampposts)
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