I think it's a pretty cool record. I listened to it last night twice. And you can definately tell that Josh had a big part in the recording. It is darker than the first record for sure, but at the same time there are acoustic guitars thrown into the mix. It is Peace, Love mixed with Lullabies. That's how I see it. It will take a few listens to get it. And there are a few songs where I just kept thinking, "what the...?" It has tons and tons of voice overs from different people affiliated with EoDM, QOTSA, etc...Lanegan does a great job backing Jesse, Jack Black also adds a nice touch, along with Brody Dalle, Shirley Manson, and one other woman. I can't wait to pick it up when it comes out, it is coming with a full length dvd covering the whole recoding process. Should be very interesting. They stepped away from the tinny sounding drums that Josh came up with, so it sounds a little more modern, so to speak. Hope all this is making sense for ya'll. That's it for now. I'm gonna give it another go soon. Peace.
Are you too good to tango with the poor poor boys?
nice. i've only got the demos from way back when. it'll be nice to hear how the songs have evolved since then. took me a while to even get into the demos, but then i was loving it. and anything with lanegan <33333
i got it from torrentspy. thanks though. it's about damn time someone got their hands on this album. they've only had that teaser trailer on their site for about a year now.
sorry, i don't have aim.