albums and songs you're embarrased to say you love!!!

for me a couple are
bush - the science of things (SAVAGE album)
fuel - shimmer - love that song
days of the new in general
silverchair except for diorama which sucks
that's all i got off the top of my head
bush - the science of things (SAVAGE album)
fuel - shimmer - love that song
days of the new in general
silverchair except for diorama which sucks
that's all i got off the top of my head
Post edited by Unknown User on
I like the song "AM Radio" from vol. I, which would be an embarrassing song for me.
Why are you embarrased to like Days of the New or for that matter, Silverchair. They are both excellent band in my opinion.
- Jerry Cantrell "Gone"
I'll be honest I really like them both. I am willing to acknowledge, however, that there are plenty of shitty songs on both.
they're grand but cheesy as fuck!!!
LOVED 1st and 2nd albums from the Sundays. I loved that band.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I think what is more embarrassing are some of the bands that I used to like, but we won't go there today.
Stupid. Cheesy. Power Ballads from the 80's by the one and only Chicago.
I enjoy both. Especially Frogstomp from Silverchair and the Yellow (or Orange) debut allbum from Days of the New. Excellent stuff. Especially considering both band were in their teens when the albums were released. Silverchair were 15 years old!
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I can sing along to this whole album.... (band)