just got a whole lot of cd's from ebay in the mail...

throwingcopperthrowingcopper Posts: 96
edited January 2006 in Other Music
...and a few from the record store.

from the record store i got:

manic street preachers-generation terrorists
arcade fire-funeral
david gray-white ladder
matthew sweet-100% fun
semisonic-great divide
semisonic-(the one with "closing time." it's downstairs and i don't want to go look at it)
echobrain-echobrain? (it's downstairs too) :)
kings x-kings x
sugar-light and easy recordings? (something like that)

from the ebay lot i got:

embrace-the good will out
tram-a kind of closure
tram-heavy black frame
tram-frequently asked questions
smart brown handbag-lullabies for infidels
smart brown handbag-fast friends
jamie walters-s/t
caleb-fear of success
bill ricchini-ordinary time
andrew-a beautiful story
get shorty-soundtrack
clarence park-chris clark
minnisota compliation-
echoboy-volume 2
call and response-s/t
phosphorescent-a hundred times or more
if thousands-s/t
tracy bohnam-the burdans of being upright
johnny clueless-what's your flavor?
rex daisy-guys and dolls
faux jean-kiss life on the lips
the hang ups-second story
red house painters-s/t
red house painters-old ramon
ballyhoo-the lighter side of heavy
cry on cue-wash of light
danny barnes-dirt on the angel
the timbre project-ruining perfectly good songs
psychic tv-dreams less sweet
pimmon-snaps crackles pops
prince-the rainbow children
justin clayton-limb
minnisota hall of famers & rookies compliation-
ashley park-town and country
the hang ups-so we go
ballyhoo-the fruits of our neighbors

then i have two coming and one i already got that wern't in the lot:

idlewild-100 broken windows
idlewild-the remote part
rival schools- (i forget which one) it's a promo copy though...

and some screaming trees "dust" stickers... ;)

that's it. most of those in the lot are alternative slower indie. some of the others are from minnisota. (local bands from dulth.) i wanted to get two other indie lots of 40 and 50 but, i lost the one with 40 at the very last minute. (should have went higher) and then the one with 50 in it went for more that i wanted to pay but, i really should have went higher on that one too.
music. love. life.

the stickman's ghost: www.myspace.com/yield1914
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  • transplanttransplant Posts: 1,088
    sugar-light and easy recordings? (something like that)
    File Under Easy Listening (close enough though :) ) that disc may contain my favorite intro: Gift.

    Hopefully you will round out their collection with Copper Blue (arguably their best) and Besides which contains IMO the most gut-wrenching deliveries ever put to disc: 'Explode and Make Up' and 'The Slim'. These live versions destroy the studio versions which are great in their own right. ::chills::

    I love 100% Fun as well, just a great summertime pop in the disc player gem.
  • mookeywrenchmookeywrench Posts: 5,963
    Minnesota & Duluth
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    cool, that will keep you busy for a whilst
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