Queens Of The Stone Age - New Album News

Duff_ManDuff_Man Posts: 150
edited February 2007 in Other Music
Copied and pasted from nme.com

Queens Of The Stone Age announce new album details

'Era Vulgaris' will be out in the summer

Queens Of The Stone Age have announced details of their new album.

'Era Vulgaris' will be the follow up to 2005's 'Lullabies to Paralyze'.

The band posted a bulletin on their MySpace site yesterday (February 14) entitled 'I Was At The Sizzler Today' that revealed the details of the album.

The post said that among the tracks that would be included were 'Into the Hollow', 'Sick, Sick, Sick', 'Misfit Love' and 'Battery Acid'.

However, the cryptic posting said: "Could be song titles. Or could not...go sign up on the mailing list for future insider info. Then get off the internet and go get laid, it's Valentines Day."

I really can't wait, i finally have an album im looking foreward to this year
We did not change as we grew older; we just became more clearly ourselves.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • chris01chris01 Posts: 559
    I never really got into Lullabies to Paralyze, i dunno, they never seem to get out of the shadow of Songs For The Deaf. Still look forward to anything they put out though.
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,240
    Very Nice!
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
    Ohana Festival 24 x2
  • i actually like lullabies much much better than songs for the deaf. I'm not sure if i'll go out and get this one though.
    "Everyone is a patriot in some form or another.... i prefer the intelligent ones."

    "She fell funny"

    "Klaus Daimler, 40, engineer, calm, collected, German"
  • sweet! :)
  • At this point, I don't care what they release, as long as it has a good few tracks then I'll give it a few spins. I haven't gotten over how good the first LP was. Everything since then has been sort of a letdown for me. It's sort of like how some people feel about Pearl Jam.
  • cool so hopefully a tour soon... stupidly i didn't go to hyde park last year
    29/05/00 -Wembley
    20/04/06 - The Astoria alley crew + got to shake Ed's hand
    25/04/06 -Jools Show + got Mike's autograph
    27/08/06- 07/09/06- 09/09/06-13/09/06-17/09/06-13/06/07-18/06/07
    ...Three crooked hearts and swirls all around...
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,240
    JWBusher wrote:
    At this point, I don't care what they release, as long as it has a good few tracks then I'll give it a few spins. I haven't gotten over how good the first LP was. Everything since then has been sort of a letdown for me. It's sort of like how some people feel about Pearl Jam.

    you enjoyed self titled more then Rated R and Songs for the Deaf?

    I admit the first album had some awesome songs ( particularly mexicola that opening riff is massive \m/ ) but i really enjoyed the other albums a lot to.

    I'd rank them like this:
    Rated R
    Songs for the Deaf
    Self titled

    If the self titled was more your speed i'm assuming you were a kyus fan? if not the kyus albums welcome to sky valley and blues for the red sun i think would be worth you checking out.
    Charlotte 00
    Charlotte 03
    Asheville 04
    Atlanta 12
    Greenville 16, Columbia 16
    Seattle 18 
    Nashville 22
    Ohana Festival 24 x2
  • Alex_CoeAlex_Coe Posts: 762
    intodeep wrote:
    you enjoyed self titled more then Rated R and Songs for the Deaf?

    I admit the first album had some awesome songs ( particularly mexicola that opening riff is massive \m/ ) but i really enjoyed the other albums a lot to.

    I'd rank them like this:
    Rated R
    Songs for the Deaf
    Self titled

    No, no, this makes more sense:

  • Sweetness. love josh's creativity
    Something never thought you'd be part of
  • http://gaffa.dk/nyheder/view.php/news_id=17392/artist_focus=19709
    I går kunne vi på GAFFA.dk fortælle, at Queens Of The Stoneage til juni udsender deres nye album "Era Vulgaris".

    Og timingen kan næppe være bedre, for vi kan nu også afsløre, at bandet spiller til årets Roskilde Festival.

    Det er GAFFAs udsendte, Lars Löbner, der har talt med bandets frontfigur Josh Homme, og senere fået forlydenderne bekræftet igennem Hommes manager.

    Og ikke nok med det, så planlægger QOTSA at spille indtil flere andre koncerter i Danmark til sommer, i forbindelse med udgivelsen af deres nye plade.

    "Era Vulgaris" bliver bandets femte album og det indeholder, ifølge GAFFAs mand i felten, flere interessante bidrag fra andre musikere.

    Blandt dem, Julian Casablancas, der til dagligt er forsanger i The Strokes, Trent Reznor, frontmand i snart albumaktuelle Nine Inch Nails, og den tidligere Screaming Trees-forsanger Mark Lanegan, der allerede har medvirket på flere QOTSA-album.


    GAFFA.dk could yesterday reveal that the new Queens of the Stone Age album, "Era Vulgaris" will be released this June.

    And the timing could hardly be better as they will perform on this year's Roskilde Festival.

    GAFFA reporter, Lars Löbner, had a talk with frontman Josh Homme and later had it confirmed by Homme's manager.

    "Era Vulgaris" will be the bands fifth album and several interesting artists will be contributing.

    Among them, Julian Casablancas, Trent Reznor and Mark Lanegan.
  • MCGMCG Posts: 780
    Any news on the new Dessert Sessions?
    Which came first,
    the bad idea or me befallen by it?
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