Foo Fighters - The Joint Las Vegas

teskeincteskeinc Posts: 1,784
edited September 2008 in Other Music
Just home from my first full Foos show, how in the hell is that my first in 14 years. Saw them at the Who Rock Honors but man I've been missing out. 2 hours 10 min of great rock in my favorite venue The Joint at the Hard Rock.

Packed house , fairly rough GA crowd, I was 2nd row right side, maybe 10 crowd surfers mainly early , alot of the frat boy types started a mosh pit towards the middle maybe 6 rows deep. It got kinda crazy in the first 20 minutes, security had to come in and take a few out. Few older folks 50+ down front couldnt handle it and had to bail to safer territory.

Dave made fun of some die hards front and center saying they were gonna play some old songs and some new and some that "the 50 shows you've been to , you still haven't heard" kinda gave a smerk to the rest of us like they were pyschos. It was the standard rail huggers as I looked down , chicks getting there early so they can stand and smile at Dave all night. One of them later tossed this cheesy heart that had been embroidered with "Dave" on it, inside was a letter, he started reading it "dear Dave , whats up cutie" real sarcastically. That chick had to be feeling like an ass, but he stopped and set it aside. Some dude named "vinny or vincent" was upstairs Dave dedicated a song to him early then "Gimme Stitches" evidently a song rarely played to him later. Not sure who it was , but some rocker im guessing.

Great show all in all, they put on a top notch show start to finish, sound great and I highly recommend to those who haven't seen them live. I managed to score a setlist after the show. Here it is , although they changed it up a bit, added a few more....

Let It Die
Time Like These
Cheer Up Boys
Learn To Fly
Young Man Blues (same as Rock Honors)
Long Road To Ruin
Stacked Actors
Skin + Bones
My Hero
Cold Day In The Sun
But Honestly
Monkey Wrench
All My Life

Gimme Stitches
Best of You

They are playing again tomorrow night, Dave hinted a member of Yes may be joining them for a song. I won't be doing tomorrows show but hit it if your in Vegas.
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  • PJamGrunge10PJamGrunge10 California Posts: 596
    That's almost the exact set they played when I saw them in March... actually I saw them in San Diego and then their next show in Los Angeles and they played the same set.

    But the shows were great so I didn't mind too much... Dave is a great frontman.
    Stone Gossard...riffmeister extraordinaire!

    I am a man, I am advanced.....I am the first man to borrow Stone's leather pants!
  • teskeinc wrote:
    Gimme Stitches
    Those three would have made my life!!!!

    And playing with a member of Yes?????!!!!!! That would be awesome to see.
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