Neil Young Living With War

anyone else have this CD yet? Have been listening to it for awhile, and have loved it. Definitely would fit in more in the 60's and 70's then with popular music today. Coming from Young, that shouldnt be a surprise. My favorite songs have been Impeach the President, Flags of Freedom, and Shock and Awe. Anyone else have this, if so what have you thought of it?
If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of progress?
MSU Class of '10
James Madison School of International Relations
If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of progress?
MSU Class of '10
James Madison School of International Relations
Post edited by Unknown User on
We needed Neil to take the reigns and let artists know it's ok, though Ed has never backed down, with the backlash against the Dixie Chicks a few years ago, I think now everyone knows it's ok to speak out. Seems only punk bands, that usually fly under the radar, have spoken out against Bush on a regular basis the last several years.
Hopefully Neil opened the floodgates.
Stop by:
Yeah. Rock and Roll artists never question authority or Bush lol.
Keep looking. It's shipping direct from manufacturing. This means two things. One, it gets to the stores faster. Two, it doesn't get to every store right away, but it will.
I picked it up at my local indie store this weekend, and it's definately a great album. It's got a classic Neil vibe to it and it sounds great. Whether or not you agree with the whole disc, it's definately worth spinning a few times.
1. The part where he chants "Flip Flop" over sound bites of George W. talking
2. The last song I thought should have been left out and just ended with "Roger and Out" which has now become my favorite song on the album.
but overall, it's a great album
What don't you like about the "Flip Flop" portion of the song with W soundbites mixed in. I like it. Puts things in perspective.
I really like After the Garden too and Looking For A Leader.
Park City, UT 06/21/98
Mountain View, CA 06/01/03
San Diego, CA 07/07/06
San Francisco, CA 07/15/06
great great album, much better than i expected
I do love roger and out but i think that the last song is on there for a great reason. To make sure people know it's not an anit american album it is the oppisite a concerned statement by a tax paying citizen.
I can't get past after the garden sounding like downtown (neil's 70's song downtown not the one he did with PJ) The beat is too similar I keep hearing neil sayind "Come on baby lets go downtonwn let's go let's go let's go!"
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
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R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I read, he was waiting for the next generation to make a protest record, and he was tired of waiting.
This album is top notch. It captures everything.
I love how pissed of he is. Its right for this time in history.
The references to the war causing thousands of scarred people, children scarred for life is profound.
"Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come...."
First of all, great username. Always makes me happy to see Jeffs 'Wellstone!' sticker still on his bass.
I love the use of the chorus, although Neils vocals are mixed a bit low. But it sounds a lot better than I thought it would, and really serves to underscore the message that its not just Neil that has these feelings about the current state of America, but a large percentage of the population. I think it was a stroke of genius to use the chorus after listening to it a few times.
I think Sun Green and Be The Rain specifically from Greendale captured similar energy to this disc, definately a precursor to LWW.
Yes, I want to clarify that I love the chorus itself, especially on Let's Impeach... and The Restless Consumer. It's just that the input level is low, and I can only imagine how powerful it could have sounded on record. But, it's a minor complaint, and is overshadowed by the realness and rawness of this effort. He sounds like a little kid to me, and I love it. I wish someone like Natalie Merchant would go all out like this, she's such a great lyricist and expressionist. I wonder how much chance he has for airplay or TV appearances with this album, David Letterman, I'm talking to you buddy.
i hadn't thought about the possibilty of a flip flop chant at the concerts intodeep...i'm sure that will happen. very cool.
roger and out is a fantastic song, i think, a real throwback to neil's 60's stuff, with an updated sound and message that kind of ties the two eras together quite nicley.
i would have to say that the version of the 100 voice choir doing america the beautiful sends chills up my spine. it's absolutley gorgeous! some of the choir members were crying after the take, like david crosby did after they recorded ohio. i can't say enough good things about music that is this passionate, so passionate that it brings people to tears!...and you're right, if people hadn't already receieved the message that the album really is quite pro american, pro freedom, and anti - war, then that song should certainly drive the point home.
i hadn't heard the "downtown" in after the garden, i'll give it another listen...for the x hundreth time
great story janeny. thanks for sharing.
I luv Neil but this is funny.
No prob...told yah it was funny
The set list haven't been that great thou...I don't know I'm going to see them in Detroit but I'm gonna see how tonight goes in Toronto and maybe I'll hit N2 tomorrow. It's hard not to go knowing that Neil is in Toronto!
neil is still my hero
the freedom fighters will prevail
ya thats the only song i skip as well