Anyone else see the Mars Volta on Halloween in Cleveland?

An amazing show, their set was just a 45 minute jam but it fucking rocked, sounded like Led Zeppelin meets Al DiMeola meets Miles Davis meets Acid Mothers Temple. Cedric ran through the arena grabbing people and throwing their beers (while the band was still going nuts onstage), such a fun show to watch. I was letdown by the Chilis sadly, they were just so boring in comparison to the Mars Volta, playing radio hits and terrible Stadium Arcadium shit, their stage show was so overdone with the massive tv screens and insane amounts of lights.
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I thought the Peppers put on a good show but the setlist wasn't the best for my taiste. Not bad by any means but there's a few I'd have liked to hear. It seemed like John was on fire though. I know he always goes off live but this was good. He's not technically amazing but I really feel his playing. And the Halloween getups were awesome. I even said before the show that Chad should dress up as Will Ferrell and he came out as Ricky Bobby! Fucking histerical. I recorded Can't Stop in it's entirety on camera so I gotta get it on the net. Ok I'm done ranting (band)
dont say that! Im going to see TMV in december!! :(
YieldInHiding: "RED DOT is an intermission...not "filler." I hate that word. Filler is what's in a Twinkie."