Who digs the new Neko Case record?

Anybody out there picked up Fox Confessor Brings the Flood yet? I got it last week and can't stop listening. Man I love this woman's voice. Simply beautiful.
The only criticisms I have at this early juncture, is that the songs sound a bit too much alike and tend to all run together.
Oh, and I wish I could figure out what the he## the title means.
The only criticisms I have at this early juncture, is that the songs sound a bit too much alike and tend to all run together.
Oh, and I wish I could figure out what the he## the title means.
rock chalk
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I've noticed that she uses a lot of animal imagery in her new album like the fox, red-tailed hawk, sparrow and I think some others too. I'm still not sure what the title is all about.
I'm a big fan of Neko, and while I still like Blacklisted more, Fox Confessor is a standout album this year for me.
Just played it as background music the other day with some friends who don't have an idea who Neko Case is, and suddenly one of them turned his head and asked me, "hey, who's that singing? It sounds pretty cool". Yesterday this girl I like asked me if I could let her borrow some records, I showed her what I brought to the office and loved the art in Neko's album, she hasn't tell me yet if she's already listened to it or any further opinion, but I guess what I mean is from the cover to the recording itself is a strong, seductive album.
I can't mention any special tracks, I just wrap myself in the music and let myself go within the whole trip, is that kind of album that you just gotta listen as a whole to really vibe the atmosphere it has. Loving it more than the previous.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Hey you're right about the animal references. Just have to put in some more time and try to decipher all that.
Teenage feeling is really good, but right now I keep going back to Lions Jaws and Star Witness.
Blacklisted does have my favorite Neko song in I Wish I Was the Moon, but I'm starting to think I like this new record more overall. Seductive is a good word for it.
Cat Power is more singer/songwriter, at least on her latest album. More of a soul/blues feel to it.
The only albums I have from the two are both of their latest, and I prefer Cat Power's, although Neko's is pretty good. As for their best, I have asked around a bit and I always hear "Moon Pix" recommended as Cat Power's best work and "Blacklisted" as Neko Case's best. I can't vouch for that, but it is the most common response I get.
Halifax, NS - Sept 22, 2005
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I heard some of that new Cat Power record and also her last one, but I don't know enough to be able to talk about it.
As for Neko. I really think she sounds like a young Loretta Lynn, although her songwriting certainly is different. Blacklisted is a very good album, but I think this new one is just beautiful. I would suggest either one of those for you start with.
I see she has a ACL DVD out now too any reviews for that?
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
She also sings a little backup on the new M. Ward, as does Jim James of MMJ, if you're into them.
She's usually considered country but that is SO misleading. She's simply amazing and has the best voice of any woman alive today. If the country thing scares you, check out her band The New Pornographers. She sings lead on a few tracks on each of their three albums and they are more pop-sounding (in a good way).
I do recommend the live album and the DVD. Both are great but I'm a huge fan so I may be a bit biased... lol
Honestly, I never saw the original airing so I don't know... but, the ACL DVDs usually have more just because the shows are usually edited to fit a perfect time block. It's 43 minutes if that helps any.