
Computer geek question

IGotShit24IGotShit24 Posts: 68
edited June 2006 in Other Music
My 80 GB hard drive is full, so I went out and got a new 200 GB one. I want to transfer all my music, movies, and pics onto the new 200 GB and was wondering if I would lose any quality during the transfer or lose any files?
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    LongRoadLongRoad Posts: 421
    IGotShit24 wrote:
    My 80 GB hard drive is full, so I went out and got a new 200 GB one. I want to transfer all my music, movies, and pics onto the new 200 GB and was wondering if I would lose any quality during the transfer or lose any files?

    No you won't. Quality will remain the same.
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    IGotShit24IGotShit24 Posts: 68
    I meant to put this in All encompassing trip forums, thanks for the info though.
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