I think it could go under the same heading of what makes some music sound good and some bad. It is relative to your likings.
Some of my reasonings for bad names:
Korn: To me when I say that name I think I am ordering a side dish. When others say it, they think it sounds cool because of the odd spelling. To me it doesn't matter how it is spelled, they are still named after a vegetable.
Good Charlotte- Why name yourselves after a girl in a story when there are no girls in your band? (and no, wearing eye makeup doesn't count as being a girl)
Incubus- If you are going to use a word with such dark imagery to it, you should have the music to back it up.
Any bands named after a song lyric or title of another band. I understand you are paying homage, but it just makes me think of tribute bands. I think the best thing a band has is it's individuality. When you associate yourself with another artist, then I think it always causes comparisons.
Bands that name themselves after the lead singer, yet insist they are a real band and partnership. I think that is bull. If you are named after someone in the band, it is their band.
Names that are silly may make your band sound fun and irreverant, but not if you want the music to be taken seriously.
Those are just some of my opinions on what makes a bad band name.
I don't like band names that have deliberate misspellings because they think it makes them look cool. It doesn't. I don't know why because I'm sure every band hopes their name is considered cool, but something about them mispelling to make it cool just seems stupid.
Like I said in the other thread, very long names simply because they are clunky. Just imagine shouting them out like,"As I Lay Dying, WOOOO!" Or is there a guy at a System of the Down shows yelling,"SOAD!" because it is esier to just sound out the initials? Not that I am shouting the band names out at concerts but the long names seems to loose power to me and seem clunky.
I don't like band names that have deliberate misspellings because they think it makes them look cool. It doesn't. I don't know why because I'm sure every band hopes their name is considered cool, but something about them mispelling to make it cool just seems stupid.
Like I said in the other thread, very long names simply because they are clunky. Just imagine shouting them out like,"As I Lay Dying, WOOOO!" Or is there a guy at a System of the Down shows yelling,"SOAD!" because it is esier to just sound out the initials? Not that I am shouting the band names out at concerts but the long names seems to loose power to me and seem clunky.
I agree on your first point. It's almost cutesy to give a name a silly spelling. Rock shouldn't be cutesy! Also, it would be different if these bands (or their music) had any sense of irony whatsoever. But they don't...
However, I don't mind long names as a rule. 2 of my favorite band names are ...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead and I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness.
i'm not sure what makes a bands name stupid....eye of the beholder i guess.....but when i hear "death cab for cutie" and find out that's not the name of a song but the bands name i question that bands creativity......if you can't come up with an interesting band name what must your lyrics be like?......:)
Good:Simple really,my heart soars and my skin tingles.
Bad:Just as simple,my ears respond badly and I need to get away from the sorce of bad.
Its all relative to what musically turns you on.
Surely, more of you must have an opinion about this. So let's hear it.
Some of my reasonings for bad names:
Korn: To me when I say that name I think I am ordering a side dish. When others say it, they think it sounds cool because of the odd spelling. To me it doesn't matter how it is spelled, they are still named after a vegetable.
Good Charlotte- Why name yourselves after a girl in a story when there are no girls in your band? (and no, wearing eye makeup doesn't count as being a girl)
Incubus- If you are going to use a word with such dark imagery to it, you should have the music to back it up.
Any bands named after a song lyric or title of another band. I understand you are paying homage, but it just makes me think of tribute bands. I think the best thing a band has is it's individuality. When you associate yourself with another artist, then I think it always causes comparisons.
Bands that name themselves after the lead singer, yet insist they are a real band and partnership. I think that is bull. If you are named after someone in the band, it is their band.
Names that are silly may make your band sound fun and irreverant, but not if you want the music to be taken seriously.
Those are just some of my opinions on what makes a bad band name.
Choosing the shiny ones instead'
Reading 06 - Torino 06 - Wembley 07
Like I said in the other thread, very long names simply because they are clunky. Just imagine shouting them out like,"As I Lay Dying, WOOOO!" Or is there a guy at a System of the Down shows yelling,"SOAD!" because it is esier to just sound out the initials? Not that I am shouting the band names out at concerts but the long names seems to loose power to me and seem clunky.
I think it like most stuff, if you feel the band tried to hard it just feels stupid.
Examples :
Test Icicles = haha
Audioslave = not cool, tried to hard
So it's more of a feeling I guess. Don't you feel some band names are just plain stupid? (hint : the the, uncommom men from mars...)
I agree on your first point. It's almost cutesy to give a name a silly spelling. Rock shouldn't be cutesy! Also, it would be different if these bands (or their music) had any sense of irony whatsoever. But they don't...
However, I don't mind long names as a rule. 2 of my favorite band names are ...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead and I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness.
Shortening it is a must for any conversation...but still, the name makes me smile whenever I see it scrolling across the screen on the ipod.