
MJK and PJ

harrymanbackharrymanback Posts: 435
edited May 2006 in Other Music
when asked "how did the band initially react to you becoming a part of APC?"

MJK: They had some reservations. (pauses) They're not quick to admit it but... when you look at some of the other bands that started out when we did, you don't see too many familiar faces left. So I guess... yeah, naturally you have to be fearful. Us, Pearl Jam and one or two others are pretty much the only ones left.
I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in an apathetic existance either.
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    Cool, always nice to see other artists recognize the longevity of Pearl Jam
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    I love Tool and Pearl Jam. It's good to here there is some mutual respect going on. Has anyone else noticed that there are always lots of people wearing Tool shirts at Pearl Jam? Good taste shows. :)
    The reason the main stream is thought of as a stream is because it's so shallow. -George Carlin-
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    enharmonicenharmonic Posts: 1,917
    remembering that a band has been around as long as your own band hardly constitutes respect...but it was nice of MJK to mention them. :)
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