Red Hot Chili Peppers in South Florida

I saw the RHCP last night, and just wanted to say it was an absolutely amazing show. I knoiw their setlists dont vary much, but I was captivated from the getgo until the end jam. An instrumental jam at the end was quite a nice treat.
I saw them a few years back, and thought they were pretty good live. But I've heard all these things about how Keidis seems disconnected. I have to say, he barely said anything to the audience last night, but he proved he is a real showman during ever single song. He leaves the little intermitent banter up to John and Flea.
Awsome show!
I saw them a few years back, and thought they were pretty good live. But I've heard all these things about how Keidis seems disconnected. I have to say, he barely said anything to the audience last night, but he proved he is a real showman during ever single song. He leaves the little intermitent banter up to John and Flea.
Awsome show!
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