What albums have you listened to today?



  • Among My Swans - Mazzy Star
    It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere - Slash's Snakepit (I don't even know why)
    Almost Killed Me - Hold Steady

    It's been a good day. :D
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • the verve - forth
  • emily18 wrote:
    in the aeroplane over the sea by neutral milk hotel. every day for the past week since i borrowed it from my friend. that album is a work of absolute genius.

    i agree with you. i had never heard it before, but a while back in one of the incarnations of the Synergy Music Club, someone kept talking about it so i got it and fell in love.

    speaking of the SMC, does anyone reading this know what happened to it?
  • FinsburyParkCarrotsFinsburyParkCarrots Seattle, WA Posts: 12,223
    A few, but I've got A Beard of Stars by Tyrannosaurus Rex playing, right now.
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    jasonw wrote:
    I don't know I just wanted to know what actual albums people busted out today
    Sir John Hope (4th Earl of Hopetoun) His statue outside The Royal Bank of
    Scoland office, Dundas Street,
    1765 - 1823 Soldier. Born at Hopetoun House near Edinburgh. Hope served at
    the Battle of Alexandria (1801) and led the First Division in Spain during
    the Peninsular War (1808 - 14). Under the command of General Sir John Moore
    (1761 - 1809), the British Army was faced with defeat in 1808 with the
    French having taken Madrid and advanced towards them. The British executed a
    winter retreat under terrible conditions across the mountains from Astorga
    to the coast at Corunna, with the intention of escaping by sea. However, the
    French attacked with greatly superior numbers and a desperate battle
    ensured, but the British were eventually triumphant and the French suffered
    massive casualties. Hope distinguished himself in this battle and, when
    Moore was killed, Hope heroically took command of the British Army. Sir
    David Baird of Newbyth (1757 - 1829) was severely injured in the same
    battle. Hope's successful evacuation of his army earned him a knighthood in
    his own right from King George III. The Peninsular War ended with the
    capture and isolation of Napoleon on the Island of Elba.
    Hope died in Paris and is remembered by various monuments, including large
    Hopetoun Monuments in Fife and East Lothian. His statue is to be found in
    front of Dundas House in Edinburgh's St Andrew's Square, Hope having been a
    governor of the Royal Bank of Scotland.

    MURDER OF CITIZEN Andrew James Hanlon, which occurred on June 30,
    2008, was a lawful use of deadly physical force.
    The Grand Jury was provided with photographs of the scene of the shooting,
    both day and night, three diagrams, as well as photographs of the residences
    of Shannon Kelley and of Andrew Hanlon's sister, Melanie Heise.
    Additionally, the Grand Jury heard the original 911 call of a burglary in
    progress and a copy of the police dispatch recordings before and after the
    shooting. The Grand Jury also reviewed the autopsy report of Andrew Hanlon,
    prepared by the Oregon State Medical Examiner's Office, the toxicology
    reports of both Andrew Hanlon and Tony Gonzalez, and the medical/mental
    health history documents of Andrew Hanlon.
    Tony Gonzalez's condition after the MURDER.
    The third officer, the lead detective, was called only TO LIE ABOUT IT
    These witnesses were his sister, his roommate, and his best friend. While
    none of these witnesses had first hand knowledge of what occurred on the

    The remaining six civilian witnesses were called to testify as to what they
    personally observed on June 30, 2008. They included the woman who called 911
    to report a burglary in progress as Andrew Hanlon was attempting to break
    into her home as well as the man who was an eyewitness to the confrontation
    between Andrew Hanlon and Tony Gonzalez. The other witnesses helped complete
    the picture of what happened that night.

    The events of the night of June 30, 2008 in Silverton, Oregon occurred as

    At approximately 11:20 p.m., Shannon Kelley heard the sound of someone
    knocking at the front door of her Silverton residence as she was reading a
    book in her upstairs bedroom. Mrs. Kelley was home with her three young
    children and her parents, who were visiting from Montana. Mrs. Kelley's
    husband, Josiah Kelley, was working at a friend's house nearby. Upon hearing
    the knock, Mrs. Kelley assumed that her husband had returned home and simply
    forgotten his key, so she got up to let him in.

    By the time Mrs. Kelley reached the front door, the knocking had turned into
    very aggressive pounding. Mrs. Kelley turned on the porch light and saw a
    man on her front porch that she did not know and had never seen before. That
    man was later identified as Andrew Hanlon.

    Andrew Hanlon appeared to be acting very strangely. He was unable to stand
    still and was alternating between peering into the windows of the Kelley
    residence and beating on the front door.

    Note: There has been speculation in the media that perhaps Andrew Hanlon
    mistook the Kelleys' home for that of his sister's, however the two
    residences are not at all similar. Andrew Hanlon's sister's house is a
    small, salmon colored one story house located in a neighborhood in
    Silverton. It has a small picket fence with a gate in the front yard and
    eight steps up to a small porch. Once on the porch, you must then turn to
    your right to have access to the front door, as it does not face the steps.
    By contrast, the Kelley residence is a large blue two story house at the top
    of a hill located on a private driveway named Digerness Blvd. There are only
    two other houses on Digerness. The residence does not have a fence in front
    of it and it has only three steps that lead to a very large porch. The front
    door directly faces the porch steps.

    Mrs. Kelley became frightened and told Andrew Hanlon to leave, but he
    refused. Instead, he repeatedly demanded to be let in. Andrew Hanlon was
    speaking in Old English, yelling phrases that included, "Thou shalt let me
    in!" He also yelled that he had a sword and made gestures as if he was
    swinging a sword although he did not appear to be armed. At one point, he
    peered inside the window next to the front door and shook his fist at Mrs.
    Kelley's father. He continued to yell and scream and at one point he claimed
    to be the "angel of death." As Mrs. Kelley watched, Andrew Hanlon literally
    howled at the moon. Eventually Andrew Hanlon's screams ceased to be
    comprehensible and became "guttural" and "animalistic." Mrs. Kelley had
    already called 911 to report that someone was attempting to break into her
    house. Her fear was obvious on the 911 call, and in the background of that
    call, Andrew Hanlon can be heard screaming and beating on the door.

    Andrew Hanlon continued to punch and kick the door to the point that Mrs.
    Kelley and her parents all had to put their bodies against the door to keep
    him from kicking it down.

    Note: After Andrew Hanlon fled from the scene of the attempted burglary,
    inspection of the Kelleys' front door revealed blood, blood spatter and even
    skin tissue.

    Once Andrew Hanlon realized that he was unable to punch or kick down the
    door, he ran from the porch to the driveway, got a running start and began
    to hurl himself against the Kelleys' front door. He did this a number of
    times. After his final run at the door, Andrew Hanlon screamed something
    incomprehensible and abruptly ran off down the hill going through the trees
    and blackberries, without shoes, toward Oak Street.

    As soon as Mrs. Kelley's 911 call came in, police were dispatched to her
    residence. Dispatch continued to relay information to responding officers
    throughout the course of the 911 call. Tony Gonzalez and Silverton Police
    Officer Josh Barnett responded. Dispatch recordings show that officers were:
    1. Told of a possible Burglary in progress at the Kelley residence;
    2. Told a description of the suspect (Andrew Hanlon);
    3. Told that the suspect did not have weapons but was possibly intoxicated;
    4. Told that the suspect had fled down hill and were given the direction.
    The officers responded to the area and began looking for Andrew Hanlon.
    During the search, Officer Barnett drove up Digerness Blvd. to the Kelley
    residence, while Tony Gonzalez was down below on Oak Street.

    Upon hearing that Andrew Hanlon was coming down the hill, Tony Gonzalez
    parked his patrol car near the residence at 606 Oak Street and got out to
    attempt to locate Andrew Hanlon.

    Note: This address had five vehicles parked in a row in the driveway in
    front of and to the east of the residence.

    As Tony Gonzalez approached the wooded portion of the hill east of the
    residence on Oak Street, he heard branches breaking. Tony Gonzalez shined
    his flashlight into the trees and saw Andrew Hanlon. Tony Gonzalez did not
    know Andrew Hanlon either personally or by reputation. He had had no prior
    contact with Andrew Hanlon, nor was he aware of anything other than what
    dispatch had advised.

    Upon seeing Andrew Hanlon, Tony Gonzalez did not draw his service weapon,
    rather he ordered him to come down and to show him his hands. Andrew Hanlon
    did come down from the trees but instead of following Tony Gonzalez's
    orders, he cut behind the first of the five parked vehicles and began moving
    west, parallel to Oak Street

    On the other end of the parked vehicles, Tony Gonzalez began to follow
    Andrew Hanlon, also moving west, parallel to Oak Street. When Andrew Hanlon
    went behind the second parked vehicle, he ducked down out of sight. Tony
    Gonzalez, believing that Andrew Hanlon may run, began to go in between the
    second and third vehicles to cut off a possible escape route. As Tony
    Gonzalez moved towards Andrew Hanlon at the rear of the vehicles, Tony
    Gonzalez heard a sound that he thought was glass breaking.

    Note: It is the opinion of investigators that the sound was Andrew Hanlon
    kicking or bumping into a recycling bin that had glass bottles in it causing
    them to clink together. There is no evidence of broken glass.

    Upon hearing this noise, Tony Gonzalez believed that Andrew Hanlon could be
    armed with a broken bottle and he drew his service weapon. Andrew Hanlon
    then stepped out from behind the second vehicle. At this point, Tony
    Gonzalez and Andrew Hanlon were within five to eight feet of each other. The
    area was only partially illuminated and Andrew Hanlon was turned sideways
    and would not face Tony Gonzalez. Therefore, Tony Gonzalez was only able to
    see Andrew Hanlon's right hand. Tony Gonzalez then ordered Andrew Hanlon to
    show him both of his hands and to get down on the ground. Andrew Hanlon did
    not comply with those orders, so Tony Gonzalez yelled them again. For a
    moment it appeared that Andrew Hanlon was going to comply; he said, "Okay,"
    and started to reach toward the ground. However, he then stood back up
    straight and quickly bent down again, as if to touch the ground, and let out
    a scream and leapt towards Tony Gonzalez. Tony Gonzalez began to retreat as
    Andrew Hanlon chased after him swinging his arms, kicking and screaming. As
    Tony Gonzalez backed up, he cleared the two vehicles he had been between and
    continued back all the way across the driveway and into Oak Street. Andrew
    Hanlon continued advancing on Tony Gonzalez this entire distance,
    approximately twenty-five feet and Tony Gonzalez was never able to get more
    than five feet from Andrew Hanlon. At some point as Tony Gonzalez was
    retreating, he began to shoot at Andrew Hanlon in an attempt to defend his
    life under the circumstances. Tony Gonzalez fired his weapon seven times.
    Andrew Hanlon continued to chase Tony Gonzalez even as he fired his weapon.
    Andrew Hanlon finally stopped and fell to the ground just as he was entering
    the street. Autopsy results show that Andrew Hanlon was shot five times and
    that he died as a result of the gunshot wounds he sustained.

    As this incident was occurring, Silverton resident, Jeff DeSantis, was
    driving along Oak Street. Mr. DeSantis did not know either Tony Gonzalez or
    Andrew Hanlon. Upon seeing Tony Gonzalez's patrol car parked in the street,
    Mr. DeSantis stopped his vehicle. Mr. DeSantis then looked to his left and
    saw the beginning of the confrontation between Tony Gonzalez and Andrew
    Hanlon. Mr. DeSantis had an unobstructed view and was approximately
    thirty-five feet from Tony Gonzalez and Andrew Hanlon when it began. When
    Mr. DeSantis first observed them Tony Gonzalez and Andrew Hanlon were at the
    rear of the two vehicles and Tony Gonzalez had his weapon drawn. He heard
    Tony Gonzalez repeatedly say, "Get down!" "Freeze!" "Don't move!" "Get
    down!" Mr. DeSantis said these commands were made several times and were
    very clear. Mr. DeSantis then heard Andrew Hanlon make what he described as
    a "primordial war scream" and start toward the officer, trying to strike and
    kick him with what appeared to be martial arts moves. Mr. DeSantis describes
    Tony Gonzalez's retreat from Andrew Hanlon as similar to that of a football
    player back-peddling and he called it "very professional." Mr. DeSantis
    heard Officer Gonzalez continue to order Andrew Hanlon to "Get down!" and
    "Stop!" even while retreating. Mr. DeSantis also saw that despite his
    retreat, Tony Gonzalez was never able to get more than five feet from Andrew
    Hanlon. Mr. DeSantis watched as Tony Gonzalez began to fire his service
    weapon and he saw that Andrew Hanlon continued to pursue Tony Gonzalez even
    as Tony Gonzalez fired. It was not until several shots had been fired that
    Andrew Hanlon began to slow down. Mr. DeSantis saw that Tony Gonzalez
    stopped firing as soon as Andrew Hanlon stopped coming after him. Mr.
    DeSantis saw Andrew Hanlon fall to the ground. Mr. DeSantis also saw that
    Tony Gonzalez never shot Andrew Hanlon when he was not chasing him and never
    shot him when he was on the ground. Mr. DeSantis then heard Tony Gonzalez
    immediately grab his radio and report, "Shots fired!" Mr. DeSantis attempted
    to tend to Andrew Hanlon, however, he was too severely injured and he died
    at the scene. Andrew Hanlon was not armed when he was shot.

    combat the accusations of a conspiracy or a cover-up that have arisen in the
    last three and a half weeks.
    It is vital in a case like this that the investigation and Grand Jury
    pieces of the evidence prior to the conclusion of the case could
    inaccurately sway public opinion and therefore harm the integrity of the
    investigation and the Grand Jury proceeding.
    The Grand Jury made its decision in applying the facts of this case to legal
    principals regarding when deadly physical force can be used. The legal
    principals that apply are as follows:
    threatened imminent use of physical force against himself or another person.
    He also raped a little girl in his family BOOO YAH ASS HOLES MUST PAY
    Oregon Arts Commission Announces More Than $1 Million in Grants To Oregon
  • It's an election year so I pretty much have "And Justice for all" by Metallica on a loop.
  • lephtylephty Posts: 770
    Nine Inch Nails - Halo 17 - And All That Could Have Been
  • Pearl Jam - Binaural
    Pearl Jam - Riot Act
    Tool - Lateralus
    Radiohead - Kid A & Amnesiac
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    Songs in A&E by Spiritualized
  • BenzorBenzor Posts: 886
    Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
    Turn On The Bright Lights - Interpol
    Silent Shout - The Knife
  • robert johnson - the complete collection
  • elmerelmer Posts: 1,683
    Jackson Browne - Late for the Sky
    Spiritualized - Let it Come Down
    Marty Robbins.......a greatest hits comp
    Jenny Lewis - Acid tongue
  • BenzorBenzor Posts: 886
    Cease to Begin - Band of Horses
    The Hawk is Howling - Mogwai
    F# A# (Infinity) - Godspeed You! Black Emperor
  • Into the Wild- Vedder
    Evil Urges- MMJ
    The Division Bell- PF

    All on vinyl....the studio is nice today!
  • itsevobabyitsevobaby Posts: 1,809
    heather nova ~ the jasmine flower

    pretty much on repeat at the moment
    Look Alive,
    See These Bones
  • bach 2 basics-sebastian bach
    "You're the eve of my destruction in the garden of fears"
  • The husband returned from work with this CD. I'm not sure how old it is, or when it was released. Like most albums some tracks are so-so while others are great.
    Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun - W.H. Auden
  • Brisk.Brisk. Posts: 11,567
    sigur ros - takk
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    parables for wooden ears - powderfinger
    where the light is - john mayer
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • InHiding80InHiding80 Upland,CA Posts: 7,623
    Rush - Fly By Night
    AC/DC - Highway to Hell
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    appeal to me - rise against
    dig out your soul - oasis
    final conversation of kings - the butterfly effect
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • iamsampjiamsampj Posts: 784
    throw me the statue - "moonbeams"
    shout out louds - "our ill wills"
    yes...i do feel like a human. i do not feel like a tree.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    me wrote:
    appeal to me - rise against
    dig out your soul - oasis
    final conversation of kings - the butterfly effect

    parables for wooden ears - powderfinger
    the used
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • JulienJulien Posts: 2,457
    brad, interiors
    2006: Antwerp, Paris
    2007: Copenhagen, Werchter
    2009: Rotterdam, London
    2010: MSG, Arras, Werchter
    2012: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin
    2014: Amsterdam, Stockholm
  • i did listen to a full album today. it was grace by Jeff Buckley. and as everyone knows, it is great from start to finish.
  • paddypaddy Posts: 104
    All those wrists - Romans
    Hello, is there anybody in there?
  • itsevobabyitsevobaby Posts: 1,809
    itsevobaby wrote:
    heather nova ~ the jasmine flower

    pretty much on repeat at the moment
    still spinning this ^^^ daily

    great stuff
    Look Alive,
    See These Bones
  • mdigenakismdigenakis Posts: 1,337

    I just felt like listening to Vs.

    It felt good.
    "Don't let the darkness eat you up..."

    -Greg Dulli

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