Any love for Tractor Rape Chain? Best song on Bee Thousand in my opinion, although The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory comes close.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
I got Bee Thousand the day it came out. the buzz surrounding it was incredible. First listen I thought it was the biggest pile of shit I have ever heard. I kept it, played it once or twice a year hoping it would hit me. I even put a post up here trying to understand it. Well shortly after... about 2 years ago, it hit like a two ton heavy thing. Looking back I can't explain how I didn't like "I Am a Scientist" or in fact the whole fricking thing. It is an AMAZING Cd. Due to that discovery, I never ever get rid of a CD. Just file it away for a later time.
Their catalog is kinda intimidating, I have slowly been working my way through it, as well as the Pollard/Sprout releases (Tobin Sprout's Moonflower Plastic is fantastic).
Only frustrating thing is you listen to them and you know damn well that GbV could have put an indie pop masterpiece together (though some say Bee Thousand or Alien Lanes are), however they always put those few filler 30 second tracks on there that don't annoy me much, however they don't really add much either.
I don't know why I typed all that, just bored I suppose. Anyway, fantastic band, another that I missed the boat on and will never get to see live.
Any love for Tractor Rape Chain? Best song on Bee Thousand in my opinion, although The Goldheart Mountaintop Queen Directory comes close.
Their catalog is kinda intimidating, I have slowly been working my way through it, as well as the Pollard/Sprout releases (Tobin Sprout's Moonflower Plastic is fantastic).
Only frustrating thing is you listen to them and you know damn well that GbV could have put an indie pop masterpiece together (though some say Bee Thousand or Alien Lanes are), however they always put those few filler 30 second tracks on there that don't annoy me much, however they don't really add much either.
I don't know why I typed all that, just bored I suppose. Anyway, fantastic band, another that I missed the boat on and will never get to see live.
Katowice 2007
London 2007