Message from Chris Cornell

from the audioslaved website
To fans, friends, and Audiophiles, just wanted to extend my thanks to you all for your support over these last few years. It has been my great pleasure and privilege to make records as a member of Audioslave.
I am very proud of the music we made and the fans we have. I truly believe that everyone did their best to try and to resolve our differences and do not take this parting of ways lightly.
However, I do feel very positive about the future and believe you all have a lot of great music to look forward to in whatever form by Audioslave's former members. Thanks again for the overwhelming support! Peace!
“Life is life everywhere. Life is in ourselves and not outside us. There will be men beside me, and the important thing is to be a man among men and to remain a man always, whatever the misfortunes, not to despair and not to fall - that is the aim of life, that is its purpose.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Post edited by Unknown User on
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I'm surprised he didn't also send that to Audiophiles...since we are the fans that have PAID money to be a part of their fanclub. We deserve a personal message too.
True. I feel like CC was huge dick in this whole process (or at least that's how he's coming off).
Did you get the chance too see audioslave on the 05/06 tour.
He put the audio love on so thick youd of thought he was engaged to his so called brothers.
I am saddened. Ill get over it though.
Chris is a soap opera.
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I do agree with him though. I am definitely positive about what lies ahead.
As far as the "not parting ways lightly" comment. Hmmm. He sure has made it seem otherwise for himself personally.
And I agree with you ACC. I think it's awesome that he finally sent out a message but I definitely think the Audiophiles deserve a personal one too.
I seriously don't like the way he's handling this and the weirdness just keeps on growing. I hear ya yosi. He's definitely "coming off" that way.
HA! That made me laugh.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
There is no question cris is a rock god.
Everything he does is musically is great.
Maybee I m spoiled.
It wouldnt have killed him to do a tour and let the new record fade out and than quit in the downtime. thats how they let the sg fans down.
A fairwell tour.
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haha you said he's a dick...and he's coming...ha
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
No. I only caught them on their first tour. I wasn't too impressed with their second and third albums. I thought they were just kind of rehashing the first one. Like I said though, the way the media is playing it, he's coming off like a total dick. But its possible there are things going on that we don't know about. Or he could just be a dick.
But, I don't really care about the band breaking up, itself.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Its possible. I actually thought the show I saw was pretty good. But the music on the following albums just didn't sound to me like they had grown at all and were just kind of changing up the exact same formula. Which is fine, but I was never interested in seeing them again.
They didnt grow musically but they grew tighter. The rythum section on the second album was in a whole higher class.
The drummer went from sounding basic to more of a matt style, not as good but he crashed behind chris a lot better.
Third album same shit but chris/s singing seemed to flow better in the songs.
But overall they really wernt an original sounding band, they just did what they could do best.
Write catchy mainstream rock tunes.
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Most of his live shows on the first tour were still great (cmon, it's chris cornell), but he improved tremendously afterwards.
Wanna cringe? Look up audioslave's first aol sessions. You're gonna be saying.. "wait, THAT'S the take they went with?!"
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I don't really know if they grew tighter because I never gave the second and third albums so many listens, so I don't really remember. I just know, that the first album I thought, 'wow, this sounds like Rage and Chris Cornell, cool!', and the second and third albums I thought, "they sound like Rage and Chris Cornell, why don't they sound like Audioslave yet?"
I'll have to take a look and see.
This is why I am so taken back from his departure.
Cris fell off the face of the earth, he didnt seem well on the solo tour, leaving the show I was like wow no wonder why sg didnt tour mutch. I mean it was still good but not what I expected.
I heard the aol sessions and the cable special and same shit.
The second tour in atlantic city, he was amazing, he looked to me like he was upset for his past and making up for lost time. He told stories of how he loved the guys and how they helped him achieve what he never could, he said in an interview how he loved his sg brothers but he had found inner peace in audio. He ran around the stage laughing, did covers, honestly it looked like ed vedder up theri. I saw him a few more times same shit, just an amzing jump in confidence and security. and his voice was tight.
Then he bragged about a new album and another tour because the band was having so much fun writing. He played some new songs.
Than he did the unplugged thing and I was like chris is on fire, the album is decent, record sales arent bad for this day and age.
Anxiously awaiting a tour, he dumps everyhting. Like he was filling in for someone or in a band with 1 album.
I hope all is well, but its strange.
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I get what you're saying. You just made me laugh out loud so thank you for that.
And I most definitely agree with everyone that the band grew way tighter over the years. The Out of Exile tour was THE BEST I have ever seen every single way. This is comparing every Cornell that I have personally experienced. I've seen him with SG. I've seen him on his Euphoria morning tour, and the first AS tour of course. In my opinion the Cornell of the Out of Exile was THE frontman I've always dreamed of him being. The entire package deal completely on top of his game and then some! The breakup did shock me for the same reasons you've mentioned nowayimfaithfull. The brotherhood seemed to be growing really TIGHTER & TIGHTER.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
If chris puts a kick ass band togeTHer and whips out shit from his whole catologue.
That is fucking spiritual too me.
Thank you for the hope.
If he hits the road with the same mentality he had after the out of exile tour than that works out better.
Now I want to check out the lineup on his new record.
A kick ass blues shreddar with a hard thumping bass player with a matt cam style drummer will erase the audioslave sting completeley.
So we sit here down on the upside with fingers crossed.
I really never looked at the upside to this, now that I think of it the other thread where supposedly chris complained about doing all the work maybee there is truth to that. Yes morrello wrote the riffs but chris layed down all that bands direction with the song structures.
In my opinion he made them better. Rage as great as they were sounded like they were in the same gear all the time over any good band I ever liked.
Chris was the moneymaker in audioslave.
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And yes, I am most defintiely super hopeful about this. You're welcome.
Truthfully, Cornell SOLO is all I really need in life. Period. The end.
I agree 110% that he was the moneymaker in Audioslave. I totally understand what he means too coming into an already established dynamic of
music making ya know? Especially since he's always had his own. He's a total 1 man band to the extreme.
Well the bottom line is I'm beyond pumped for the new and improved solo Chris.
I think we have a LOT to look forward to.
I don't see him disappointing us at all...or ME I should say.
But then again he never has...
well "musically".
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Lollapalooza. 8.5.07 West Palm Beach. 6.11.08 Bonnaroo. 6.14.08
Hartford. Mansfield.
I just went to audios website and I hear chris/s lead in every song, obviously morrello was a big part but maybee it just gotmplayed out.
Well see.
I will have a tuff time taking him seriously, but I will still be there.
If he falls its time to start thinking he has problems whic we all do, maybee he just hasnt got the right support, matt was his boy but the other 2 were freaks.
the audio guys seem weird, morrello is classy but the other 2 are also a pice of work.
The bassplayer looks like a steroihead at 40.
Remeber when he climbed the amps at the mtv awards
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I listened to euphoria and obviously he wanted something differant with that, just like cantrell with boggy
and gossard with bayleaf.
But 11 just didnt do it for me, and I dont mind their work on their stuff.
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The guy is better with just his voice and an acoustic guitar than most bands will ever be...and he can write the hell out of a song when he wants to. even the Bond theme is a mor einteresting listen than most of the Audioslave stuff.
old music:
This is perfect!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I was raised with bands, I have always been partial to acoustic but have changed since the big comming of the unplugged.
Chris acoustic stuff is decdent but I like his rocking mainstream sound.
Ive had shape of things to come in my head all night.
Zero chance too.
His more complex solo stuff doesnt have that.
I searched all over the web for a lineup of help he had on the album, and had no luck.
But I stumbled across a tracklisting and they said the last 2 songs were soundgarden and audislave heavy so I have that.
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I have to agree with the first album not being as good as the others. With the first album it was pretty much some songs sounded like Soundgarden, others were like Rage. But Out of Exile and Revelations had an actual band sound to them. It's a shame it all had to end so soon...
-Eddie Vedder
6/24/06 Cincinatti, Ohio
6/14/08 Manchester, Tennessee
He worked with Dmitri Coats from the Burning Brides and Gary Lucas
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Oh man, I saw those guys open up for Audioslave on the first tour. Man did they suck! Haha. Oh well, I suppose/hope they just play the arrangements Chris gave to them, and just stuck to it. Cause I thought their music was pretty shitty.
Oh, Dmitri Coats is the guy from the Burning Brides. Gary Lucas is the guy who co-wrote Grace and Mojo Pin with Jeff Buckley. Sorry if it was confusing.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky