Any big Elvis Presley fans here?

I know this sounds odd considering I'm in my 20s but I JUST discovered my love of Elvis. I watched the 68 Comeback Special the other night on the big screen and it was incredible. I was just blown away by his ability as a musician, his strong voice and his charm. Any big fans here and any ideas about how I should start off my collection? What are the "must-haves" for Elvis fans?
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Brave to try to gamble at times
And as Neil Young wrote, He Was the King...
They love you so badly for sharing their sorrow, so pick up that guitar and go break a heart - Kris Kristofferson
It's hard to compete with the comeback special but 'That's The Way It Is' is a great addition to any music collection
That was awesome! Thanks so much!
Anybody else care to weigh in?
You must absolutley, positively get the Elvis Sun Sessions.
Some of the most beautiful, powerful, rocking, soulful, music committed to tape.
In fact I consider it a must have in everybody's CD collection, Elvis fan or not. It is essential music, in my opinion.
To paraphrase Jack Kerouack, its music filled with kicks, joy, and darkness.
Far moon in a continuing dream
Steam of roasting tea
I don't know if your question was sincere but
Thank you! It's on my wishlist now
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
But he never meant, shit to me you see
Straight up racist that sucker was
Simple and plain
Mother fuck him and John Wayne
Cause I'm Black and I'm proud
Chuck D...not a fan.
Wishlist Foundation:
I wonder what Chuck D would think of John Lennon's quote that "Before Elvis there was nothing"
Eh. I'm not a Chuck D fan anyway.
I have no real problem with Chuck D and Public Enemy, but I always felt that was an ignorant and unfair lyric in an otherwise awesome song.
With a cursory look into Elvis' life and music you will realize he was anything but racist, and was musically ripping off no one. He was an original who borrowed from the full spectrum of American music--white and black--and created his own thing out of it. That is especially apparent on the Sun Sessions, which is one of the reasons why I think it is so great.
Far moon in a continuing dream
Steam of roasting tea
Count me as a big fan!
~Michael Bolton
Yes. it was a sincere question, because thats what i read: He didn't write most(or all) of the songs he sang. I guess he was the first made POP-TART,
just to make money. Basically a FRAUD.
OK, I know that making bold statements like that is really cathartic and makes you feel all happy and proud of yourself, but you need to educate yourself a little on the subject before commenting.
Far moon in a continuing dream
Steam of roasting tea
I did educate myself. He didn't write most of his songs, and he wasn't a good guitarist. That wasn't a bold statement, that was a fact, and it didn't make me feel happy or proud of myself. I just don't think he was that good, thats all.
Kentucky Rain, In The Ghetto, Suspicious Minds, and some of the early stuff he had done are some of my favorite songs. And I agree....'68 Comeback Special is spectacular.
-John Lennon
Just like I thought. You weren't sincere. Like Sathogwa said, you're just dying for attention. It's one thing to not like the subject at hand, you just don't have to be so freakin' obnoxious about it. Thanks.
I'm not dying for anything. I'm not trying to be obnoxious, and i'm sorry if you feel that way. i just don't like Elvis, and thats just my opinion, thats all. No reason to get all upset over this.
Dude, when did anyone ever praise Elvis for his guitar chops? There are plenty of powerful artists who can only manage basic cowboy chords. That doesn't take anything away from the real focus of their work. I feel kind of silly even responding to this, because that kind statement makes me think you are probably very young, and (obviously) ill informed.
Also, back to the subject of educating yourself. If you happened to listen to "Mystery Train" from the Sun Sessions, you would've heard for yourself how much of a rythm guitar monster Elvis was.
Far moon in a continuing dream
Steam of roasting tea
(Now and Then There's) A Fool Such as I - my fave elvis song, just a simple, nice tune
I guess i'm not that uniformed(obviuosly) if Elvis was never praised for his guitar work.LOL! HEY! Music is a very subjective. Your a fan, and i'm not. I don't think it matters if you're young or old when it comes to music. You either like the music or you don't. Just because i'm not a fan of Elvis, doesn't mean i'm not educated. I've listen to plenty of Elvis, and i know what i hear, and i don't like his music.
Hey man, if you don't like Elvis, that's cool. Its just a few of the comments you made sounded like you weren't all that informed. Which I still don't think your are!
Far moon in a continuing dream
Steam of roasting tea