"Live music sucks!"

So, I was at FYE yesterday just browsing, and I saw some kid (about 16 I would say....maybe a little older) looking through the racks and discs for a particular song with his girlfiend. After looking through about 5 or 6 CDs, he found one that had the song he was looking for and was all excited. As he and his girl were walking away, his joy becomes disdain....."Oh crap, this is a live version". G/f asks "What's wrong with that?" His reply - "Live music sucks". He put the CD back and left the store, upset that our mall has no other record stores (or music stores, since they don't really sell records anymore).
If I weren't in such a crappy mood, I think I might have stopped him and said something. I was just flabbergasted. I mean, sure, SOME live music sucks, but usually if it is a band that you like, you enjoy the live music as well. Just thought I'd share.
If I weren't in such a crappy mood, I think I might have stopped him and said something. I was just flabbergasted. I mean, sure, SOME live music sucks, but usually if it is a band that you like, you enjoy the live music as well. Just thought I'd share.
"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
-John Lennon
-John Lennon
Post edited by Unknown User on
Some die just to live.
Animal in the zoo : Album :: Animal in the wild : Live Show
And yes, not all teenagers are idiots like this kid!!
I remember, my first Live cd was AC/DC Live and i bought it when i was like 10, i loved it and the roar of the crowd still does it for me every time
"Sorry is the fool who trades his love for high-rise rent, Seems the more you make equals the loneliness you get"
I know a guy who hates live music, and he's around my age. :eek:
And he considers himself a big music fan.
What a big turn off.
Can't beat the live stuff yeah.
Have you ever tried closing your eyes and just listening when your at a concert?
I do that all the time.
It's so dope hey.
I first tried it when I was listening to oasis a couple of months ago when they played Live Forever. I don't do it often though cos I like to watch but its really cool huh!
PJ's the best for that. Although not throughout the set.
well, obviously he has no idea of what he's talking about!
stupid kid! (and no, by writing that there I do not mean that all teenagers are like him.)
or then the bands he listens to suck live.
which brings us to the conclusion that he listens to the wrong music.
I myself love live-albums (bootlegs). The energy from the crowd that can get a band really going, and just the energy from a good live-album/boot is just amazing!
"or then the bands he listens to suck live.
which brings us to the conclusion that he listens to the wrong music.
haha, good one!
-Eddie Vedder
6/24/06 Cincinatti, Ohio
6/14/08 Manchester, Tennessee
The band all knows. We're too afraid to mention.
Don't want to be part of Frank's luncheon.
Lose weight. Be safe. Where's Mike McCready?
My god he's been ate!
my guess/assumption is that he hardly ever listens to music and that if the live music he's heard sucked, he listens to crappy bands as well.
and not crappy as in bad music.. i mean.. terribly untalented people..
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Not sure about the song. I think the band was called Living End. I have never heard of them, and couldn't tell you what kind of music they play.
-John Lennon
Should be issued!"- Neil Young (song, Union Man)
i didn't realise there was so many 15 year olds on here! i'm 15 too and thats the reaction i've got from a couple of my friends when they heard some pearl jam.it is sad that so many people our age have such awful taste in music.live music is good when done by good bands
i'd love to have some live led zeppelin or pearl jam but i'm a poor teenager and don't have the money to go out and buy every album i want lol.my album wishlist is quite long at the moment
" makes much more sense to live in the present tense "
Oasis - Familliar to Millions is amazing! Listening to all of those people singing the chorus of "Don't Look Back in Anger" is priceless.
that version of cigarettes and alcohol fucking kills!