the editors.

hey, anyone hear "the back room" by the editors? if you like interpol and/or coldplay, you might want to check out songs like "munich" and "sparks." also, you might want to read my review maybe:
words are a strange docile wheat, are they not?
Post edited by Unknown User on
They were superb when I saw them live...
Leagues ahead of Interpol and they sound nothing like Coldplay....
Oh thank god someone else dosen't hear Coldplay in them, cant stand Coldplay, took me a while to get into the Editors but kept seeing the video for Munich and it grew on me now I love em.
I dont hear Coldplay in them at all either. Not even that much Interpol although that can't be denied completely
I think The BAck Room is a really strong album. They really strive on energetic and powerful drumming and music in general. I mean, listen to the first minute of Bullets, hits you in the face right away.
At first listen I thought it all sounded kinda similar, interesting riff at the beginning and a steady drumbeat to accentuate the chorus. But after a few listens I have to say that every song on that album is at least good, most great.
On a negative note, I'd have to mention the songwriting and lyrics. The lyrics because they don't really have that much, they really like to repeat stuff and get through the album with really few new lines. The song structures seem pretty stale as well.
But overall, it's a great record. I hope they don't get lost among the many British Indie bands that put out a dazzling debut and then can't back it up or dont get noticed when they put out their sophomore effort.
Coldplay to me sound like a cheaper version of U2.
Kind of like Famous Grouse to Glenmorangie.
Dont knock the Grouse...
Yeah Coldplay are kinda getting that way, but they didn't start out that way...
Man, 'Yellow' still takes me back...
Haha, this gets difficult, I dont hear any U2 in Coldplay or vice versa, I think Death Cab For Cutie are the "better" Coldplay though - meaning they sound like Coldplay from Parachutes days (which is a good thing of course)
The problem with my analogy was I aint a fan of Coldplay and dont like pretty much any U2 since Rattle And Hum, where as whisky I like both Famous Grouse and Glenmorangie just prefer the later.:)
Fuck that! Who cares? Editors is a very good band in their own and they will blow your socks of live.
They sound nothing like coldplay but id argue against them being leagues ahead of interpol, or even being that close to them. Suppose its your own opinion but i dont think their is a bad song on either of the interpol albums whereas i find some of the editors album a bit boring.
I caught the same tour....
Which Uni by the way?
You can listen to 4 songs from the album here