Phish tickets...

NewmanUSPSNewmanUSPS Posts: 243
edited October 2008 in Other Music
we have nothing to complain about here when it comes to tickets...anyone try to get Phish tickets today? They were sold out for all 3 nights in 15 seconds.
Most people with low self-esteem have earned it.
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  • My absurd University of Michigan tuition came in handy this morning as I was able to use their super fast internet in the library. Scored the 3 day package. Im super excited although need to figure out a ride from NYC and hotel.

    Anybody else have good luck??
  • 4Powers204Powers20 Posts: 1,231
    I am in !!!!!! ALL 3 FUCKING NIGHTS !!!!!! My insane run of tickets CONTINUES!!!!

    "We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08

  • I see all the scalper sites got plenty.... looks like i will be paying $1,500 for 3 tix
    Most people with low self-esteem have earned it.
  • 4Powers204Powers20 Posts: 1,231
    1500 isnt worth it. They will be playing more shows. Rumor is they are going to do 3 night runs instead of full out touring. MSG, Spectrum, Boston...Late march April.

    "We're running out of beer, too?" EV 6/19/08

  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    4Powers20 wrote:
    1500 isnt worth it. They will be playing more shows. Rumor is they are going to do 3 night runs instead of full out touring. MSG, Spectrum, Boston...Late march April.

    that sounds awesome. if thats the case, i will be doing all three nights at all three of those venues hopefully.
  • melva02melva02 Posts: 298
    How is online scalping legal? It's such a slap in the face when the TM "sorry, sold out" page has a link to their scalping site where the tickets are 10x face. Especially when Phish could have easily sold all the tickets through their own lottery, if Hampton didn't have a contract with TM. Could they get any more evil and monopolistic?!

    When consumers don't realistically have a choice of companies, there should be regulation. It's the most consumer-friendly way to sell electricity and consumers should be suing TM to end this scalper-promoting bullshit.

    Thanks Pearl Jam for at least trying to take them on. No thanks to these outdated venues that are still stuck with the rusty old machine that is TM.

  • TrailerTrailer Posts: 1,431
    melva02 wrote:
    How is online scalping legal? It's such a slap in the face when the TM "sorry, sold out" page has a link to their scalping site where the tickets are 10x face. Especially when Phish could have easily sold all the tickets through their own lottery, if Hampton didn't have a contract with TM. Could they get any more evil and monopolistic?!

    When consumers don't realistically have a choice of companies, there should be regulation. It's the most consumer-friendly way to sell electricity and consumers should be suing TM to end this scalper-promoting bullshit.

    Thanks Pearl Jam for at least trying to take them on. No thanks to these outdated venues that are still stuck with the rusty old machine that is TM.


    I watched a video on that douchebag that started TicketsNow. He looks just like the comic book guy from the Simpsons. He is a computer genius and his programs were buying up all the best tickets from Ticketmaster immediately when they went on sale.. then he was selling them on TicketsNow for A LOT more.

    His computer programs were the whole reason that you have to now enter those words that are written weird and have lines through them. Apparently his programs couldn't read and enter those words... so his solution was to outsource a bunch of people from India who just sit around and type in the words all day.. then his program takes over and continues to buy the tickets. Ticketmaster realized they couldn't beat this guy, so they ended up buying his company. I saw that expose on TV... but I'll try to see if I can find it online.

    His whole excuse was hey it's a capitalist market and people are willing to still pay, so if I wasn't doing it someone else would. Basically, he's making it so only the super rich can get really good seats... otherwise you're stuck in the nosebleed section or you don't get to go at all. I fucking hate that guy!! but Ticketmaster is just as guilty as they are now profitting off of scalping:mad:
    Whoa, chill bro... you know you can't raise your voice like that when the lion's here.
  • melva02melva02 Posts: 298
    Wait a minute, are you saying those aren't even regular people flipping the tickets, that TM buys tickets from itself and resells them as scalped tickets? How is this legal?!

    This whole thing would have been solved if Phish didn't have to use TM. And they don't need TM for any publicity or financial reasons...they could have sold the tickets themselves for $300 apiece and they still would have had to do a lottery. The only explanation we can think of is that the venue has a deal with TM.

    I think Music Today might actually be a solution here. They handled the pre-sale and they do a lot of other ticketing too. As evil as Coran Capshaw can be, Music Today does seem to have a sense of how to please fans while making money, rather than blatantly ripping people off. If Phish were touring enough, they could have a contract with Music Today, and when their contract comes up against the venue's contract with TM, they could either force the venue to use Music Today, or take the show elsewhere.
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