Did anyone get NIN AC HOB tickets?

I know that it's a small venue, but this is ridiculous. I logged on before 10:00 and got in as soon as they went up, but at the very same time I was waiting for *anything* to come up, there were dozens (and I mean dozens) of listings for these tickets on e-Bay (which by 10:01 they were listing as a sold-out-show.) The bids were going up minute by minute and I was still waiting for my place in line. By the time the ticketmaster page changed, they were gone. I only hope that they were scarce because the spiral members got a good amount, but it's gotten ridiculous how ticket brokers are shutting out fans who just want to pay a fair price to see a show. I know this is a recurring rant around here and it's all about making a profit blah, blah, blah, but no matter how badly I want to see a band I will NOT pay twice the face value from a scalper.
I'm consoling myself with the thought that I got to see them in November and it was great, but I can't help but hope that the ticket brokers get stuck with the tickets they grabbed. Greedy bastards!
I'm consoling myself with the thought that I got to see them in November and it was great, but I can't help but hope that the ticket brokers get stuck with the tickets they grabbed. Greedy bastards!
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~