nin lawns?

aiight, so nine inch nails are coming to the molson amphitheatre here in toronto in june. now, should i be cheap and get lawn seats, or do i get floors? i rarely ever get regular seats at this venue, so nin will be no exception. trent already gave me my second-favourite show of 2005 (behind pj), and i doubt that show could be topped. so do i put my life at stake in the front of the pit like last time, or do i get super-baked and enjoy the show from the lawns?
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it's tough, my buddy who saw them with me last time is saying lawns this time. i'm just worried about losing some the intensity and power if i sit so far back. but it's true, i could smoke a lot more weed.
I trust you don't run with a goth crowd, since you are going to the beach!
There is a Goth band in L.A. called band name ever!
Do goths go to the beach? Interesting concept. But no I don' don't have to be goth to like NIN. I'm 24 and out grew that stage in life. I'm a t-shirt and jeans kind of a person.
which show did you get tix for? I thought that there was no pits in ampitheaters except Saratoga? Had I known that I would've gotten pit. :(
There's just something about the pit..I love it in there. You need new friends!
to be honest, i was just assuming there was a pit. i can't imagine a nin show without one. lemme check... is listing the 100 levels as g.a. standing. i'm going to the toronto show, btw.