Ray LaMontagne

I've discovered this artist threw my roommate in the last few weeks. I'm becoming a fan very fast of Ray LaMontagne. Anybody else a fan or heard of him?
''Empty'' is my favorite.

''Empty'' is my favorite.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Ive heard him, dont mind his music but dont love it or anything.
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
Ok thank you.
any idea on what he's up to now, recording or touring or anything?
i've missed him the times he's been in town but hope to see him live sometime. as far as i know he's working on a new album
Anything has to beat the original. Liked that song the first few listens, now it makes me cringe.
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
oh we were listening to this last weekend. thanks for posting.
Not bad driving music either.
I've seen him live once in a 5000 seat theatre. He's quite a nervous performer. He and his musicians stand in a semi circle and he puts himself on one end nearly in the shadows rather than in the middle as you might expect. At the end of each song he would just say 'thank you' and then step away from the mic. to let the applause die down before stepping back to start the next song ... and any shouting out between songs seemed to spook him, he didn't respond at all. Think later on in the performance we got a couple of small anecdotes.
Very powerful voice and performance though. I was sat 2nd row right in front of him though so don't know if that would make a difference.
I'm loving his stuff.
Agree.He comes across as a very humble performer.He sings like his life depends on it,like he's got to get something out.Which makes his live performance all the more powerful.
Beautiful voice.2 Great albums.
I read in an interview that he and his family live very self sufficient lives and he is intensely private.
I hope to see him one day in concert.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
That man can sing... I got the same feeling I get from Neil Young the second they sing the first not, goosebumps, watery eyes, it was just amazing!
He is so awesome.
Soul, baby. The man has soul.
I love this clip with Damien Rice:
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I have listened to this version at least 3,000,027 times though!
sweet thank you
Heard this tonight while out and about. Nice
They play alot of his music on the radio here in Denver.
Absolutely beautiful
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"