VH1 Rock Honors

Did anyone else see this last night? Just a few qustions/thoughts. 1st of all, how did VH1 decide who to Honor. Not that I don't appreciate the honorees; Queen, Judas Priest, Def Leppard, & KISS, but how did they arrive at these? It made me think why not Aerosmith, Van Halen, Iron Maiden, Metallica, etc. etc. etc. 2ndly, has Paul Stanley really put on that much weight or is my picture tube going? We won't even mention the wigs some of those Honorees were wearing.
I did like the Tributes by the Foo Fighters and Rob Zombie/Slash/Tommy Lee/and Crew did of Queen and KISS. Godsmack wasn't bad, and Fall Out Boy doing Def Leppard was a stretch. Any other thoughts if you were fortunate enough to be at Storytellers last night?
I did like the Tributes by the Foo Fighters and Rob Zombie/Slash/Tommy Lee/and Crew did of Queen and KISS. Godsmack wasn't bad, and Fall Out Boy doing Def Leppard was a stretch. Any other thoughts if you were fortunate enough to be at Storytellers last night?
"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience." Mark Twain
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So Paul and Gene were in make up and Peter and Ace weren't?
What that Bruce Kulick dressed in the Ace make up?
Have Rick Savage from Def Leppard had some sort of reconstructive surgery. He looks nothing like he once did.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
it kicked ass
Of my innocence... got back my inner sense...
((its an inside joke between leppard fans))
Butthead: It means that his friends are like turds and that they like suck.
Beavis: Heh heh. Oh yeah. Yeah! Get those spoons out of my face before I shove them up your butt!
Butthead: Huh huh.
I could understand someone knowing an inside joke, between Def Leppard fans, 17 years ago, but why still? I hope you got that from deep in your memory.
Being a Def Leppard fan is kinduva joke by itself, as is the band.
What has 9 arms and sucks?
Wasnt Fall Out Boy was the All American Rejects but bad none the less I thought the Queen, Judas Priest tributes were great. Paul Rodgers no where near what Freddie was but then who is. At least he adds a voice so Brian May can still be heard. Was good to watch on a night when nothing was on tv.
Thanks for the clarification, my aging minds gets these newer groups confused sometimes. I'm surprised no one has commented on Jaime Pressly yet. My Name's Not Earl, but Boy did she look fine in that KISS leather skirt!!!
Peter toured a little more but has since stopped and Eric Singer is back in the fold in the cat makeup.
At first they just said nothing and Tommy just played in Ace's make-up. I think they should just get new guys their own make up, but in the world of Mr. $immon$ and Mr. $tanley, things don't work that way.
I have always loved Bad Company's 70's stuff, so seeing Paul Rodgers was very cool!
Judas Priest was great to watch, but Halford's voice is barely able to cut it, now. Kinda' made me a little sad and longing for the old days when Halford had the most powerful and dynamic voice in the business,
I was and still am a huge Priest fan from the 70s stuff. I started listening to Priest when I was 13 years old (Sad Wings Of Destiny) and absolutely love everything up to British Steel. After Point Of Entry and Screaming For Vegnence I became disinterested. But I'll always love their old stuff.
Way back when I was 18-19 years old, outside of the Covention Hall in Asbury Park, NJ- I was drinking with my friends and got ridiculously drunk. I tripped over my own two feet and fell face first into Judas Priest's tour bus, which was parked along the curb.
Halford, Tipton and Downing came out to see if I was okay, helped me to my feet and brought me some bottled water:D
They were real nice guys. Especially when you consider that a drunk teenager (me) just slammed face first into their bus....lol.
KISS made utter fools of themselves, as usual.
Sorry, but when you're carrying around a large spare tire around your waist (Paul Stanley), spandex is hardly the correct choice for clothing.
Paul Stanley also looks like he had some kind of manly, Tarzan-like chest implants, that went horribly wrong. Stanley appeared to spend most of his performance trying to suck in that fat belly of his and strut around the stage like a 22 year old. He failed in a horrific manner. His voice was a mess and his attempts to sing accomplished only the killing of small insects and provided severe irritation to dogs within a 50 mile radious.
Gene Simmons was his usual clown self.
Despite him being one of the biggest assholes to ever prowl a rock n roll stage, he had the presence of mind and self-awareness to cover up his enormous pot-belly with his costume. But that didn't cover up the true dickhead that lies beneath the makeup. Ace Freahly should have kicked him in the ass and off of the stage, at the end when they were all gathered up there for the applause. NOW, that would have been entertaining!!