Good stuff. Nico has a nice little CD-ROM Extra too.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
why I never bought this way back in my grunge days is beyond me.....its great!
Ok, now I know you've been on this board/the old one forever...& I know I've constantly tried to beat into everyones heads for the last however many years how awesome they are...did you finally see the error of you ways, & at least ask for the album, I hope?
Better to discover the magic later than never, I guess.
Congratualtions! you are now an honourary member of the melonhead community! welcome...
* Molson Amphitheatre - June 28, 2003
* Air Canada Centre - Sept 19, 2005
* Eddie Vedder- Massey Hall - Aug 12, 2008
* Molson Amphitheatre - Aug 21, 2009
* HSBC Arena Buffalo - May 10, 2010
* Air Canada Centre - Sept 11 2011
i love the whole album but soak the sin, tones of home, no rain, sleepyhouse and change must be the highlights for me
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Soup is the better album out of the two studio albums.
Both are fantastic, but I lean towards that one more.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Soup is the better album out of the two studio albums.
Both are fantastic, but I lean towards that one more.
Although, I love both of their studio albums dearly, I have to agree that Soup is better... only because 2 out of my 3 favourite songs are on that album.
Top 3 favourite BM songs (these are mine, what are yours?)
1. St Andrews Fall
2. Skinned
3. Sleepyhouse ( a great many years ago i made a sign declaring my bedroom as the sleepyhouse, and it still exists and is hanging on my wall...i am a loser, i know)
sweet cheers,
* Molson Amphitheatre - June 28, 2003
* Air Canada Centre - Sept 19, 2005
* Eddie Vedder- Massey Hall - Aug 12, 2008
* Molson Amphitheatre - Aug 21, 2009
* HSBC Arena Buffalo - May 10, 2010
* Air Canada Centre - Sept 11 2011
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Soul One
Mouthful of Cavaties
St. Andrew's Fall
No Rain (and the ripped away version too)
Toes Across The Floor
New Life
...I stand by the self-titled being slightly the better of the 2...while both albums have more than their share of amazing songs, & are quite different styles, I think overall (start to finish) ST is a more solid listen.
Picking favorites??? I'd name at least 1/2...but I'll refrain...
Soup (this one not making the album still boggles my mind to this day, easily one of their best)
Mouthful of Cavities
I Wonder
St. Andrew's Fall
Toes Across the Floor
-Eddie Vedder
6/24/06 Cincinatti, Ohio
6/14/08 Manchester, Tennessee
Wishlist Foundation:
Ok, now I know you've been on this board/the old one forever...& I know I've constantly tried to beat into everyones heads for the last however many years how awesome they are...did you finally see the error of you ways, & at least ask for the album, I hope?
Better to discover the magic later than never, I guess.
* Air Canada Centre - Sept 19, 2005
* Eddie Vedder- Massey Hall - Aug 12, 2008
* Molson Amphitheatre - Aug 21, 2009
* HSBC Arena Buffalo - May 10, 2010
* Air Canada Centre - Sept 11 2011
i FINALLY got Nico this christmas too (by request... or command rather).
i've never had the money to go spend on cds and when i did i always had something different in mind.
now i have them all.... yesssssss...
What an amazing band.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Both are fantastic, but I lean towards that one more.
Wishlist Foundation:
Although, I love both of their studio albums dearly, I have to agree that Soup is better... only because 2 out of my 3 favourite songs are on that album.
Top 3 favourite BM songs (these are mine, what are yours?)
1. St Andrews Fall
2. Skinned
3. Sleepyhouse ( a great many years ago i made a sign declaring my bedroom as the sleepyhouse, and it still exists and is hanging on my wall...i am a loser, i know)
sweet cheers,
* Air Canada Centre - Sept 19, 2005
* Eddie Vedder- Massey Hall - Aug 12, 2008
* Molson Amphitheatre - Aug 21, 2009
* HSBC Arena Buffalo - May 10, 2010
* Air Canada Centre - Sept 11 2011
I have to disagree. I love Soup but the first album is the best for me.
Wishlist Foundation:
my favorite songs... (not limiting to numbers)..
Soul One
Mouthful of Cavaties
St. Andrew's Fall
No Rain (and the ripped away version too)
Toes Across The Floor
New Life
if i don't stop there i'll list them all
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
...I stand by the self-titled being slightly the better of the 2...while both albums have more than their share of amazing songs, & are quite different styles, I think overall (start to finish) ST is a more solid listen.
Picking favorites??? I'd name at least 1/2...but I'll refrain...
Soup (this one not making the album still boggles my mind to this day, easily one of their best)
Mouthful of Cavities
I Wonder
St. Andrew's Fall
Toes Across the Floor
Anyway, here's my Blind Melon top 10...
1. Toes Across the Floor
2. Vernie
3. Soup
4. The Duke
5. Holyman
6. 2 X 4
7. St. Andrew's Fall
8. Change
9. Galaxie
10. Tones of Home
-Eddie Vedder
6/24/06 Cincinatti, Ohio
6/14/08 Manchester, Tennessee