R.E.M. bootlegs?

Hey there, just wondering if there are any good bootlegs circulating? Specifically from the 2005 Around The Sun tour.
thanks for any help
thanks for any help
"This town deserves a better class of criminal... and I'm gonna give it to them."
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Ahh, i have that show on DVD already. Great show too!
I take it you're not a fan of Around the Sun lol?
I was wrong.
Hmmmm, i actually love Around the Sun. It took a few listens but once it sunk in i loved it. Electron Blue, Boy in the Well and Aftermath are beautiful songs.
I like the first half of Reveal, then it kinda goes downhill.
It's proving difficult to find bootlegs.
Much better than Reveal
I agree. The Lifting, I've Been High, She Just Wants to Be, Imitation of Life and I'll Take The Rain are classic REM songs. The rest just plain stink.
Good luck waiting for the guys to re-create "Automatic" or "New Adventures". They are too professional to mine old territory just for album sales or to win popularity contests. True fans wouldn't have it any other way. I totally applaud them for remaining diverse
Who said I wanted them to recreate anything?
I, too, don't mind that they try new things. Up is my second favorite album of theirs, proving to me that even as a 3-piece they can do great things. I just don't think the results post-Up have been very good, save for a few songs here and there.
Thanks for insinuating I am not a true fan though!
Yes, there is a trading board of sorts there. Most seem to be torrent announcements, but you can usually find someone willing to B&P stuff.
As a R.E.M. fan, I simply just don't take kindly to people ragging on "Reveal" & "ATS". It's nothing personal. Music is subjective. For every response to a band that is as globally recognized as R.E.M. there is a counter-response. I just won't let someone dismiss ATS as I think it is another brilliant R.E.M. album
Still looking for bootlegs!