It is time to admit that we used to rock like hurricanes. It is time to run for the hills and go round and round. It is time for us to shout at the devil. We've got the right to choose it, there ain't no way we'll lose it, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- C. Klosterman
"Information is not knowledge.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
It is time to admit that we used to rock like hurricanes. It is time to run for the hills and go round and round. It is time for us to shout at the devil. We've got the right to choose it, there ain't no way we'll lose it, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- C. Klosterman
It is time to admit that we used to rock like hurricanes. It is time to run for the hills and go round and round. It is time for us to shout at the devil. We've got the right to choose it, there ain't no way we'll lose it, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- C. Klosterman
It is time to admit that we used to rock like hurricanes. It is time to run for the hills and go round and round. It is time for us to shout at the devil. We've got the right to choose it, there ain't no way we'll lose it, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- C. Klosterman
It is time to admit that we used to rock like hurricanes. It is time to run for the hills and go round and round. It is time for us to shout at the devil. We've got the right to choose it, there ain't no way we'll lose it, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- C. Klosterman
It is time to admit that we used to rock like hurricanes. It is time to run for the hills and go round and round. It is time for us to shout at the devil. We've got the right to choose it, there ain't no way we'll lose it, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- C. Klosterman
Man, zstillings, I barely celebrate 500 posts and you blow me out of the water not 2 posts later. Congrats.
It is time to admit that we used to rock like hurricanes. It is time to run for the hills and go round and round. It is time for us to shout at the devil. We've got the right to choose it, there ain't no way we'll lose it, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- C. Klosterman
Good Year for the Roses - Elvis Costello
- C. Klosterman
awww shucks, right back at ya z
the one who got us out - ted leo and the pharmacists
this is fuuun...
evenflow psycho #14
Just have a lot of his stuff stuck in my head today.
Knowledge is not wisdom.
Wisdom is not truth.
Truth is not beauty.
Beauty is not love.
Love is not music.
Music is the best."
~ FZ ~
bring him to pitt z
beside you - van morrison
I'm on fire today!
- C. Klosterman
Another Rainy Night - Queensryche
- C. Klosterman
hey z do you realize that as i'm typing this you're one post away from 2K?
- C. Klosterman
- C. Klosterman
- C. Klosterman
congrats on the soldierdom doc...and wahooo for the dio!
Wow, 2000. That's a lot of time in the Moving Train. I'm blaming even flow? since he comes to this thread often.
I heard my name in the wind.
Man, zstillings, I barely celebrate 500 posts and you blow me out of the water not 2 posts later. Congrats.
- C. Klosterman