Music Game



  • Garden Party - Ricky Nelson
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    Garden Of Eden - GnR
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • Wicked Garden - Stone Temple Pilots
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
  • UnleashedUnleashed Posts: 261
    Empty Garden ~ Glass Tiger

    ????????............I think~~
    I will feel alive as long as I am free
  • Running On Empty - Jackson Browne
    Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in. - Leonard Cohen
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    Long May You Run - Neil Young
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • UnleashedUnleashed Posts: 261
    Long Road ~ PJ
    I will feel alive as long as I am free
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    Long Live Rock - The Who
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • UnleashedUnleashed Posts: 261
    For Those About To Rock ~ AC/DC
    I will feel alive as long as I am free
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    About A Girl - Nirvana
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • UnleashedUnleashed Posts: 261
    Just A Girl ~ No Doubt
    I will feel alive as long as I am free
  • Edved82Edved82 Ireland Posts: 1,279
    Living Loving Maid (She's just a Woman) - Led Zeppelin
    "...though my problems are meaningless....that don't make them go away...."
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    Loving The Alien - David Bowie
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • GalianaGaliana Posts: 554
    Illegal Alien--Genesis
    Don't threaten me with a good time.
  • mccreadyisgodmccreadyisgod Bumfuq, MT Posts: 6,395
    Subterranian Homesick Alien - Radiohead
    ...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
  • CuriousCurious Posts: 732
    Jesus Was An Alien - Matchbox 20
    "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Einstein
  • coldloccoldloc Posts: 960
    I Was Wrong - Social Distortion
    walking tightrope high
  • CuriousCurious Posts: 732
    No Wrong No Right - Soundgarden
    "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Einstein
  • coldloccoldloc Posts: 960
    No Attentions - Soundgarden
    walking tightrope high
  • CuriousCurious Posts: 732
    Too Much Attention - Gilbert O'Sullivan
    "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Einstein
  • offhegoes09offhegoes09 Posts: 328
    A lapdance is so much better when the stripper is crying....bloodhound gang

    (shit song by a shit band):)
    "The whole world will be different soon"
  • coldloccoldloc Posts: 960
    Stripper Vicar - Mansun
    walking tightrope high
  • CuriousCurious Posts: 732
    Nick The Stripper - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
    "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Einstein
  • coldloccoldloc Posts: 960
    The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears - Machine Head
    walking tightrope high
  • CuriousCurious Posts: 732
    Message In Blood - Pantera
    "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." - Einstein
  • coldloccoldloc Posts: 960
    Take A Bottle Drink It Dow...

    Oh, my bad. :)

    A Thousand Lies - Machine Head
    walking tightrope high
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    Light Years - PJ
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • coldloccoldloc Posts: 960
    Light My Way - Audioslave
    walking tightrope high
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    You Talk Way Too Much - The Strokes
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
  • {[No_Code}]{[No_Code}] Posts: 4,059
    We Will Rock You - Queen
    So that is how I learned the lesson that everyone is alone. And your eyes must do some raining if you are ever going to grow. But when crying don't help and you can't compose yourself. It is best to compose a poem, an honest longing or simple song of hope.
    That is why I'm singing
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