All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners
LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners
The Man has a branch office in each of our brains, his corporate emblem is a white albatross, each local rep has a cover known as the Ego, and their mission in this world is Bad Shit.
LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners
"Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners
"Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, but I'd rather be your moon so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun's not around."
LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners
LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners
LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners
Growin' Up - PJ (Holmdel, don't know original artist)
When I Grow Up - Garbage
LIVERPOOL FC -18 time League Champions-15 time Charity Shield Holders-7 time League Cup Winners-7 time FA Cup Winners-5 time European Champions-4 time UEFA Cup Winners-3 time European Super Cup Winners-1 time World Super Cup Winners
Circle comes around each time
Eat your pork and beans
I eat more chicken
Than any man ever seen
Circle comes around each time
Walk on with hope in your heart
Walk on with hope in your heart
Walk on with hope in your heart
Black Angel-The Cult
Some die just to live.
Angel Eyes - Jerry Cantrell
Walk on with hope in your heart
If you've lost your faith in love and music the end won't be long
Some die just to live.
Circle comes around each time
Walk on with hope in your heart
Circle comes around each time
Walk on with hope in your heart
Circle comes around each time
Walk on with hope in your heart
Circle comes around each time
Walk on with hope in your heart
Circle comes around each time