
Dunno if this site is well known yet or not, but a buddy of mine showed it to me. It is the be-all end-all for music knowledge. Just thought I would spread the word.
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Post edited by Unknown User on
I guess my point is that as great of a resource the site is, I think it would be the ultimate be-all-end-all of musical knowledge if they used a compliation system for new albums and possibly let users rate albums RYM style(along with a separate critical review rating). I go there to check out the discography of any new band I hear about, but I have to go to other places to find reviews because it is hard to base decisions off of a single review. Give me a bunch of different reviews on that site and I would rarely ever use some of the other review sites I frequent.
I don't wanna think, I wanna feel
Dublin 23/08/06 Lisbon I 04/09/06 Lisbon II 05/09/06 Paris 11/09/06 Verona 16/09/06
London 18/06/07 Dusseldorf 21/06/07 Copenhagen 26/06/07 Nijmegen 28/06/07
that's what i like about it. their reviews are by and large very fair i think. even if they slam an album on the stars, you can get a pretty good read on it from the actual review. ive bought cd's slammed by there becos i could tell from the review that the things they didnt like about it were things i wouldnt mind. i like that it isnt cluttered by some dorky ass music geeks who want to think they're brilliant. you can get user reviews at amazon if you want them.
I don't mind their reviews, they are usually good(except Stephen Thomas Erlewine(sp?)'s reviewis, he SUCKS, I never thought it was possible to write over 1,000 words on an album and only mention one song). I would want them to keep their own reviews, but also offer a compliation score from a lot of other critical reviews(Metacritic style) and the option to have user rates ala Rate Your Music would be cool, but not necessary. It is clearly the best site out there to instantly find out about any band or artists entire discography, having only one opinon on which are the best seems counterproductive IMO. I always use them to find out about a band I am interested in, but I always have to check other places for reviews, placing a compliation of reviews on that site would make it the only site I would need.
1) there are probably legal impediments to them compiling other critical reviews that would make it impractically expensive.
2) i maintain that user reviews are annoying as shit. you'd have 3 stars for every album becos every fanboy weenie would go in there to give every pearl jam album 5 stars while every hipster snob would give them one cos "ed sucks." like i said, i much prefer it's current format to including either of those features.
1) I'm not sure how much it costs to run Metacritic, but it seems to be working.
2) It really depends on the site. I think RateYourMusic.com's ratings are pretty fair.
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
2-I'll give you that, which is why it woudl be near the bottom of my list of improvements for AMG. I do think that if you get a large enough group of people rating/reviewing the album, it will even out. RYM is an example of this, you have the idiots that give a new album 5 stars before it even leaks, but you have just as many idiots who give it 0.5 at the same time. Like I said, a user rating/review would be a neat side feature, but I would certainly prefer the critical review compilation instead.
yeah, but i like the fact that this isn't a snippet of a bunch of reviews. if you have metacritic, what dyou need allmusic to do that for? you say you want it all in one place, but then you say you want to end up bouncing around to read dozens of reviews anyway? it'd end up likc book jackets... 3 pages of one sentence quotes out of context. i like that they have a pretty consistent quality standard with no distractions or contradictions. i prefer that to having 15 different reviews with half calling something genius and half saying it sucks and me wondering which one to believe. it's why i use allmusic and never metacritic
My point is that I am lazy, I would much prefer to fire up AMG and have everything I want at my fingertips about any artist and their albums. They are quite close to this goal, I think providing a compiled score or something along those lines would pretty much make it the perfect music site.
fantastic site
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick