Woohoo it's my turn! 
Well, being the huge local music lover/supporter that I am I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to expose you all to one of my absolute fav local bands. The band sadly broke up (RIP) but they left behind this amazing album to be remembered by.
I remember the first show I ever went to...I was completely blown away. not only did the lead singer have the same sound & energy as Layne Staley...but he even kinda looked like him too! It was eery. I felt like I was watching a young Layne in a local metal band.
Anyways, with influences aside the band won me over. I heard a variety of sounds coming through but they successfully created a one all their own. They instantly became one of my fav local bands...following them around show after show, each time getting better and better!
I bought "Lazy I" and was hooked. Stand out track without a doubt for me is "Inside". I swear that sucker gets lodged into my head for weeks on end! I LOVE that song!! Peel, Pig and Sorrow are other favs that come to mind. Overall I have had the entire album in heavy rotation since the day I bought it. Catchy, chunky, dark, heavy, melodic......powerful, fierce! I could go on and on....
This is one hell of a band imo and it is an honor to be able to share "Lazy I" with you all.
Hope you enjoy!
Posting a brief review from a local show a few years back.....
By Ed Ricketts and Danny Cong
January 8, 2002
The band to watch by far was Krenshaw. With an influence of sounds from the likes of metal bands such as Sabbath, Alice in Chains, Tool and Godsmack, Krenshaw powered through an extremely tight set characterized by hypnotic vocals, slow and heavy guitar grooves and powerful rhythms, ultimately bringing the soul back to metal.
"Pig," the latest track from their 2001 release "Lazy i," bore witness to the punishing sounds that Krenshaw delivers. The music is beauty meets the beast; slow but driving, grinding but powerful, and definitely a sound you can relate to and understand.
Formed in mid-1999, Krenshaw has proven itself to be an up-and-coming band within the underground heavy scene. The thrust behind this group is very simple: each member is a veteran of former bands. This has created a level maturity and focus that propels Krenshaw easily to the local forefront. These guys create music that is honest, deliberate, brutal and uncompromising. What you see is what you get. If you like it great; if you don't well...
With R.J. Newkirk on drums, Kelly D. on vocals, Ryan Landes and Matt Castle on guitars and Leon Marcelis on bass, the circle is complete. Front man, Kelly D, with his mesmerizing antics on stage, draws you effortlessly into the huge wall of sound that is Krenshaw. At times it is even difficult to keep the ladies off the stage. The visuals mixed with highly intense vocals and blistering licks makes this band a must see thanks for leading the local seen in the right direction.
You can learn more about the band, find their next show, and sample a few tracks from "Lazi I" on their web site at

Well, being the huge local music lover/supporter that I am I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to expose you all to one of my absolute fav local bands. The band sadly broke up (RIP) but they left behind this amazing album to be remembered by.
I remember the first show I ever went to...I was completely blown away. not only did the lead singer have the same sound & energy as Layne Staley...but he even kinda looked like him too! It was eery. I felt like I was watching a young Layne in a local metal band.

Anyways, with influences aside the band won me over. I heard a variety of sounds coming through but they successfully created a one all their own. They instantly became one of my fav local bands...following them around show after show, each time getting better and better!
I bought "Lazy I" and was hooked. Stand out track without a doubt for me is "Inside". I swear that sucker gets lodged into my head for weeks on end! I LOVE that song!! Peel, Pig and Sorrow are other favs that come to mind. Overall I have had the entire album in heavy rotation since the day I bought it. Catchy, chunky, dark, heavy, melodic......powerful, fierce! I could go on and on....
This is one hell of a band imo and it is an honor to be able to share "Lazy I" with you all.
Hope you enjoy!

Posting a brief review from a local show a few years back.....
By Ed Ricketts and Danny Cong
January 8, 2002
The band to watch by far was Krenshaw. With an influence of sounds from the likes of metal bands such as Sabbath, Alice in Chains, Tool and Godsmack, Krenshaw powered through an extremely tight set characterized by hypnotic vocals, slow and heavy guitar grooves and powerful rhythms, ultimately bringing the soul back to metal.
"Pig," the latest track from their 2001 release "Lazy i," bore witness to the punishing sounds that Krenshaw delivers. The music is beauty meets the beast; slow but driving, grinding but powerful, and definitely a sound you can relate to and understand.
Formed in mid-1999, Krenshaw has proven itself to be an up-and-coming band within the underground heavy scene. The thrust behind this group is very simple: each member is a veteran of former bands. This has created a level maturity and focus that propels Krenshaw easily to the local forefront. These guys create music that is honest, deliberate, brutal and uncompromising. What you see is what you get. If you like it great; if you don't well...
With R.J. Newkirk on drums, Kelly D. on vocals, Ryan Landes and Matt Castle on guitars and Leon Marcelis on bass, the circle is complete. Front man, Kelly D, with his mesmerizing antics on stage, draws you effortlessly into the huge wall of sound that is Krenshaw. At times it is even difficult to keep the ladies off the stage. The visuals mixed with highly intense vocals and blistering licks makes this band a must see thanks for leading the local seen in the right direction.
You can learn more about the band, find their next show, and sample a few tracks from "Lazi I" on their web site at
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Post edited by Unknown User on
Seriously they have such amazing energy to them!! The lead singer is amazing as hell. He really demands your attention! They all just totally draw you in.
Again, hoping you guys dig it.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I can see them being a large local band, but quite honestly I don't find them to have any particularily fascinating talents or intruiging songs. They are a band who has a low, growling sound and a lot of AiC-like vocalizations and guitar squees. Nothing spectacular.
Nothing spectacular to your ears though and to each his/her own. Thanks for atleast giving it a shot.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
but "Pig" was decent.
ha! Hey, I'll take what I can get.;)
I was thinking of starting things with my all time fav local band, use to be BREACH, now VENTING MACHINE...<~~ these boys are HEA-VY! Maybe they'll be more up your alley.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
There has been several times I have walked into a bar, enjoyed the band that happened to be playing there and walked out with their CD only to find out later I much preferred to see them live than listen to the disc. that is how I feel about this. I do enjoy listening to local bands, it makes me want to explore if there are any half way decent bands in the Denver area. Just isn't much of a scene (that I can tell).
Obvious influences aside, I don't find much wrong with it, I do enjoy Inside and yeah Pig is pretty good as well however I find this period of music, the early '90's era to be too dated for my current taste. You can bet your ass if they were my local band at the time I probably wouldn't miss a show.
To be fair, I haven't played AIC, Soundgarden et all in years.
Also, if I played in a band, VEDHEAD27, I would want you as a fan.
i shouldn't have waited with my comment until after your review because i totally agree although you worded it much better than i would have...
in fact, after reading the first comments about them sounding like AIC i thought i might not like them if they sound like they try too hard to copy the original...
but after a couple of songs i forgot what i was listening to and just started rocking out in front of my computer... yes, they are influenced by AIC; yes, they're nothing spectacular... but, damn, i enjoyed listening to them!
i wouldn't go out and buy an album... but i would have gone to see them at a local club in the 90's... i might even go and see them if they were my local band now...
the one thing that made this so cool for me was that i suddenly felt like a teenager again who was listening to those seattle bands... but since i've listened to all my records from that period a million times already, your pick gave me the oportunity to get a glimpse of how it must have felt like back then when i was listening to a grunge band for the first time...
this doesn't mean it will replace any of my albums in my collection... i don't even think i will listen to this a lot... pig is a great song though... but for me, it served its purpose... so thank you, vedhead27! i can only second what transplant just said... krenshaw can be proud to have you as a fan!
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
Thanks again everyone. Better luck nextime huh?
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Umm, I had something less known in mind, transplant, but being the nice person you are, I'll evalute your suggestion. Cheers.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
Well I've learned my lesson.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
I really have nothing to add since some spot on comments have already been posted, but it certainly made me wanna go back and listen to some of the heavier stuff again. Local bands are always difficult to talk about since there's such a gap in enthusiasm because sometimes there's just not enough known about the band. But I'm always jealous of the local scenes in the US since the level is much higher and sometimes there's some really interesting stuff going on that only local people get to know about. So Vedhead27, I think it was great of you to introduce a local band, who knows, if they hadn't broken up they might have gone a little further. It certainly reminded me of the importance of local, grassroots support, something many bands have forgotten about these days.
If you can't get high on purely music and the sounds that you hear, you're missing out on something.
the bassline rocks my socks off
im digging this a lot
EDIT: maybe not - did i totally miss this one?
from my window to yours
ah sorry mate - i was very very slow on replying to this as i was busy.
but yeh what i thought of this album well - those 2 songs i posted about are pretty awesome in my book - they really get me jumping!
but the rest of the album i think are just solid rock songs but dont stand out to me above any other band or nething like that. its an enjoyable listen but not a mindblowing one for me