SMC : "Breath from Another"~ ESTHERO

VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
edited December 2005 in Other Music
It's that time once again. Well, I must say this pick is completely different from the last pick of mine...which is what SMC is all about, mixing it up. ;) While I love me some metal/local metal,and love just an acoustic guitar paired up with some gorgeous vocals....another style that has ALWAYS been one of my absolute favs is some electronic music paired up with beautiful female vocals.....bands such as Portishead, Morcheeba, Lamb AND this weeks pick *drum roll*....ESTHERO. Do you KNOW about ESTHERO? Seems like a lot of people don't so here's my chance to change that.

I first stumbled across Breath from Another while I was working for Wherehouse records back in the late 90's. One of the greatest aspects of that job was constantly being exposed to new music. This is a band that instantly struck me and I've been listening to them ever since. First things first, I absolutely looove lead singer Esthero's voice. :o Such beautiful melodies and I love how she can go from being kinda breathy/ whispery, to being throaty/strong, to being completely sweet and even sexy sounding. I always find her to be so soothing either way. The voice, and all it's many layers, just always manages to compliment the music perfectly as well. Love the variety in the music. There's a sprinkle of this and that all blended together so smoothly creating one amazing sound. Trip-hop, hip-hop---jazzy, funky, poppy. One minute it makes me wanna dance my heart out and the next minute it's calming as can be, putting my soul at complete and total ease...the perfect "chill out" vibe.

AnywayZ (<~that's actually my fav track on the album :p...along with Superoheros;) & That Girl) , I hope you guys enjoy it. :)


The first release from the Toronto duo Esthero, Breath from Another blends a number of musical styles into a hypnotic, and a bit unfocused, potpourri of sound and texture. Consisting of lead singer Esthero and multi-instrumentalist Doc, who also handles programming chores and production, the basic feel of their debut is rooted in cool, electronic pop with some eclectic twist thrown in for good measure. As a singer, Esthero has a breathy, smooth delivery residing somewhere between the cool of Sade and the quirkiness of Bjork. The music is heavy on programming, but also makes good use of horns on several tracks. There's a breezy air to the whole affair on tracks like the jazzy, lounge pop of "Heaven Sent" and the subtle, percussive feel to the Latin-tinged "Half a World Away." The best offerings are "That Girl," which wouldn't sound out of place on a Swing Out Sister record, and "Country Livin' (The World I Know)," with its lovely vocal melody and gentle keyboard washes. Breath from Another is too scrumptious sounding to be ignored, even if nothing truly sticks with you after the fact.
~ Tom Demalon, All Music Guide


Esthero's "Breath from Another" is one of those CDs that defy categorization. It's Club, Techno, Jungle, 70's Disco and Jazz all at once. A CD like that only makes you wonder of the musical possibilities. I had to wonder myself when the title track kicks off the album with a sample line from the movie Deliverance. Better still, both "Country Livin'" and "Half a World Away" feature a soaring violin break one would hear in a love scene from a cheesy 70's TV movie. But hey, it works. Elsewhere on the CD, horns abound ("Lounge"), pianos twinkle ("Anywayz"), drum machines crank up to 1000rpms ("Breath from Another"), and scratching can be heard alongside classical string arrangements. But the the winner hands down is the hypnotic and sultry "Superheroes". The singer coos to her lover that "the electric blanket is warm", when all the while languid bass lines, harp licks and scratching are melded together so tenderly it could move a churl. "Breath from Another" listens like a Jazz band that's gone to the Rave one time too many. It's a potent concoction at once quirky and fierce, and definitely worth the $15 investment.
~ Amazon

"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,263
    How is who picks selected? I haven't chosen one yet and you're on your second? Granted, I joined late, so it's not a big deal and doesn't really matter, I'm just curious.
  • getting it now - it should get a spin tonight...
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
  • How about some links to their music...........
  • transplanttransplant Posts: 1,088
    AndySlash wrote:
    How is who picks selected? I haven't chosen one yet and you're on your second? Granted, I joined late, so it's not a big deal and doesn't really matter, I'm just curious.
    she is on her second pick but her first for this 3rd round which you joined up for. You should be coming up VERY soon. I'd just PM Viggs who has the list.
  • viggs20viggs20 Posts: 1,296
    Here is the list guys :

    01. viggs20
    02. alobar
    03. transplant
    04. Echoes
    05. psycosmic
    06. swede
    07. burnin-candle
    08. VEDHEAD27
    09. barcoach
    10. thebetterman
    11. trappedinmyradio
    12. AndySlash
    "Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.
  • Hey i opted out of this round because school keeps me so damn busy i dont have time to participqate but i'd like to join again next round
  • viggs20viggs20 Posts: 1,296
    Hey i opted out of this round because school keeps me so damn busy i dont have time to participqate but i'd like to join again next round
    Sure thing.
    "Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    (Hope that no one minds me putting in my two cents about Esthero)

    I have loved Esthero for quite a while. Her new album Wikked Lil' Grrls is incredible.

    that's all. thank you. :)
    i. am. mine.
  • Just got it and on my first run through. I like it so far, this is perfect late night music. ;)

    Will post more when I give it a good chance. Great voice, for sure.
    "If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done"

    If you can't get high on purely music and the sounds that you hear, you're missing out on something.
  • barcoachbarcoach Posts: 413
    Hi everyone, sorry for not commenting much on the latest picks, but my days have been pretty insane, I'll soon catch up with you... Right now I wanted to take advantage of Vedhead's thread (apologies for that), just to tell that you don't even imagine how much I love you... the last weekend, when PJ played Mexico made me realize that one of the things I love the most about this band is how it brings people together on the basis of the love for music, and for me that's what the SMC is all about... I really wished to have you all with me those two days, I wished I could hug you, and sing together, and talk, and get drunk, and listen to music and then talk a bit more.
    Really, anytime you come to Mexico you'll have a home with me... you're all invited whenever you want!!!
    Sorry, just feeling like a little sentimental, trying to get back to normal life is tough.
    Stone: Thanks for the pick and the night of complicity, you rock!
    -The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
    Mexico C. 12/10/05.

    "There is a rose that I want to live for
    although, God knows, I may not have met her"
    -J. Strummer

    "And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
  • transplanttransplant Posts: 1,088
    barcoach wrote:
    Right now I wanted to take advantage of Vedhead's thread (apologies for that), just to tell that you don't even imagine how much I love you... the last weekend, when PJ played Mexico made me realize that one of the things I love the most about this band is how it brings people together on the basis of the love for music, and for me that's what the SMC is all about... I really wished to have you all with me those two days, I wished I could hug you, and sing together, and talk, and get drunk, and listen to music and then talk a bit more.
    Really, anytime you come to Mexico you'll have a home with me... you're all invited whenever you want!!!
    Sorry, just feeling like a little sentimental, trying to get back to normal life is tough.
    Cheers man, nice post. What a blast it would be if we all attended the same PJ show (or any show for that matter). Ya ever get sick of the heat and humidity down there, come on up and strap a snowboard on. Or if PJ ever plays Red Rocks again, I can have you out my front door, to the top parking lot, slam 2 beers and in your seat in under 1/2 hour. :)

    Back to topic, I have given this several spins. I hope I NEVER become a bachelor again, however if I do, I will be glad to have this disc in my arsenal. This isn't my type of music, I mean there is nothing bad about it, but I would rarely find a time or find a mood to put this CD in. I on several occasions found myself tapping my feet, enjoying many of the songs on here however the music is toooo polished for my tastes. I do need to make note that this is what I expect (and want) to hear, CD's like this to mix things up. I have never heard of Esthero and rather surprised I never have. If I had iTunes on shuffle I would certainly not hit the skip button.

    Beautiful voice, she mixes it up extremely well. I like bands to have a full backing but her partner makes the best of it for sure. I will single out Breath From Another and Lounge as standouts for me. You surely cannot classify this. I guess this last quote for me stands out

    "Breath from Another is too scrumptious sounding to be ignored, even if nothing truly sticks with you after the fact. ~ Tom Demalon, All Music Guide"

    So cool, VEDHEAD, again, not disappointed it just isn't music that would get a lot of play.
  • oh, i really like this. she has a jazzy sort of voice...very good. at times, this reminds me of frou frou and the solo stuff their singer does. there are obvious, to me, comparisons to bjork. there are a lot of different layers in this music. best listened to through headphones. you get a sense of the construction through regular speakers, but it's really fleshed out with headphones. i'm not exactly an audio snob. i don't listen to everything through headphones. but, there are things that you can hear need more attention. this definitely warrants more attention than your average bob dylan record. there is just so much texture in there. which is something i like. the varied influences present throughout (jazz, hip hop beats, rock, classical) makes this something that keeps me listening.

    i'm not usually a fan of female singers. but, this is an exception...just like norah jones and courtney love are exceptions. i put this on my mp3 player so i could listen to it through headphones in my car on a nice long drive through the state of maryland - up and down hills - through the snow. i got lost in the sounds and the, at times, ethereal was, all at once, a lucid dream, and a maze. not such a bad combination.

    thanks for putting this one up.

    and, by the way, garage a trois is really growing on took the place of sigur ros in an empty classroom for me while i was doing some homework over the weekend.
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
  • barcoach wrote:
    Hi everyone, sorry for not commenting much on the latest picks, but my days have been pretty insane, I'll soon catch up with you... Right now I wanted to take advantage of Vedhead's thread (apologies for that), just to tell that you don't even imagine how much I love you... the last weekend, when PJ played Mexico made me realize that one of the things I love the most about this band is how it brings people together on the basis of the love for music, and for me that's what the SMC is all about... I really wished to have you all with me those two days, I wished I could hug you, and sing together, and talk, and get drunk, and listen to music and then talk a bit more.
    Really, anytime you come to Mexico you'll have a home with me... you're all invited whenever you want!!!
    Sorry, just feeling like a little sentimental, trying to get back to normal life is tough.

    Cheers barcoach. Yeah and to everyone else too!! I've personally had a really shitty year, but I think you guys single handedly made it one of the very special ones I've had. ;) All the great music made me forget about all the troubles and just....well, made me smile. So, whenever any of you are in Japan, I'll be there to take all the care!!!

    trappedinmyradio, I'm glad that Garage is growing on ya. I would imagine it would be a pretty strange feeling pumping that kind of music in an empty classroom.
    "If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done"

    If you can't get high on purely music and the sounds that you hear, you're missing out on something.
  • viggs20viggs20 Posts: 1,296
    barcoach...that is one of the sweetest thing I've read in a long time. :)

    It really makes me happy that you guys get so much out of SMC...and I thought I'd only get a handful of views - maybe a "yeah man thats a good idea" and then be lost amongst all the other threads. You guys rock !! :D
    "Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.
  • transplanttransplant Posts: 1,088
    best listened to through headphones. you get a sense of the construction through regular speakers, but it's really fleshed out with headphones. i'm not exactly an audio snob. i don't listen to everything through headphones. but, there are things that you can hear need more attention.
    excellent point here. I am going to try this. I haven't listened to music thru headphones in years but your thread reminded me that there is some music that warrants it. Ok, I am on my second wind with this one.
  • barcoachbarcoach Posts: 413
    I'm really touched by your replies... actually couldn't read them all carefully, 'cause I know I would cry and don't wanna do that at work, will do it later.
    Just know that you're all so beautiful to me, and I really think of you as friends.
    The SMC is one of the best things that I owe to PJ... and right now there are so many...
    LOS AMO.
    Well, go back to topic... discuss the album... I'll be doing it a bit later.
    Stone: Thanks for the pick and the night of complicity, you rock!
    -The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
    Mexico C. 12/10/05.

    "There is a rose that I want to live for
    although, God knows, I may not have met her"
    -J. Strummer

    "And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
  • AndySlashAndySlash Posts: 3,263
    This isn't bad. But it isn't great, either. You can hear the obvious influences so, like the Powderfinger album, I couldn't get past that and subjectively accept it on its own merits. It does seem to be a nice winter type album, or something for the evening mood (though the lyrics in a couple songs somewhat deceive this idea). I don't really have anything else to say about it as nothing really stood out as "I should mention this". She does have a nice voice, though.
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    barcoach, I couldnt agree more with what you wrote. Trust me, I WISH I coulda been there with you too. ;) It really is a beautiful how the music brings us all together. I have LOVED being a part of not only this message board, but the intimate world of SMC. It's awesome & has been a pleasure. I love how we all challenge and inspire each other. I love being exposed to new music and listening to how it effects others. No worries at all that you "used" my thread, I'm honored. Spreading love is NEVER a bad thing. :) Anyways my friend, thank you so much for the kind words you wrote...and also thank you to everyone else for being a part of this magic! You guys are awesome and I really think we have a great mix of people here. Our group ROCKS! HORRAY for MUSH! :) hehe. Here's to an even more rockin SMC year in '06. :D

    In response to what people are saying about Esthero so far...

    trappedinmyradio, so glad you're digging it. :) Yeah I can definitely hear the Imogen Heap likeness.
    i got lost in the sounds and the, at times, ethereal was, all at once, a lucid dream, and a maze. not such a bad combination.

    Totally know what you mean! And yes, I just love the feel/mood of this music /her voice. Like AndySlash points out, it is indeed a great Winter album.

    transplant & AndySlash, totally respect where you guys are coming from and glad that if nothing else we can agree that her voice is beautiful. :) I do encourage the headphones usage though transplant. ;)

    P.s. lanners, awesome! :)

    P.s.s. El Riot Actor, you can listen to MP3s on Amazon...

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • Thanks for the link :)
  • smarcheesmarchee Windsor, Ontario Posts: 14,539
    ah, nice to see Esthero getting some props here. I remember seeing her vidoes way back in around 97-98 for That Girl and Heaven Sent and, I too, was intrigued by her voice and the sound, so I bought the record then and have listened to it extensively. I almost saw her at the 1998 Summersault festival, but it was the next day after the Pearl Jam show and I couldn't find anyone not burned out from that day to go back to Barrie the next one.

    I do know that she put out another record, after a long layoff where she did some side projects, or appeared on some other people's albums. I have not yet heard anything new from her, nor heard anyone's opinions.

    Vedhead, have you heard the new one ?? I too enjoy that electronic sound with a female lead. Lamb, Portishead, Morcheeba, Sneaker Pimps, Garbage (yes, I know, not really electronic, but some of their early stuff was quirky and unconventional), um, I think that's all I can remember. Anyways, another cool genre that your into :p

    What does SMC mean ? So, my contribution ?
    1998 ~ Barrie
    2003 ~ Toronto
    2005 ~ London, Toronto
    2006 ~ Toronto
    2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
    2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
    2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
    2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
    2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    2014 - Detroit
    2019 - Chicago X 2
  • EchoesEchoes Posts: 1,279
    SMC - Synergy Music Club. We discuss and trade CD's with one another
    printf("shiver in eternal darkness\n");
  • viggs20viggs20 Posts: 1,296
    Like AndySlash I don't feel there is anything that stands out. The singer does have a good voice but she is no Beth Gibbons, but then again who is. ;)
    I know its quite unfair to compare so I'll take it for what it is...a very nice and smooth album to unwind on a cold evening.
    "Reality continues to ruin my life." - Calvin & Hobbes.
  • barcoach wrote:
    Hi everyone, sorry for not commenting much on the latest picks, but my days have been pretty insane, I'll soon catch up with you... Right now I wanted to take advantage of Vedhead's thread (apologies for that), just to tell that you don't even imagine how much I love you... the last weekend, when PJ played Mexico made me realize that one of the things I love the most about this band is how it brings people together on the basis of the love for music, and for me that's what the SMC is all about... I really wished to have you all with me those two days, I wished I could hug you, and sing together, and talk, and get drunk, and listen to music and then talk a bit more.
    Really, anytime you come to Mexico you'll have a home with me... you're all invited whenever you want!!!
    Sorry, just feeling like a little sentimental, trying to get back to normal life is tough.

    now, this is what loving music is all about - i wish the world could feel THIS!
    I'll dig a tunnel
    from my window to yours
  • barcoachbarcoach Posts: 413
    now, this is what loving music is all about - i wish the world could feel THIS!

    Belive me, some people in the world can feel it, and when you meet one of them is simply amazing... and I just use that word for the lack of something better, it just goes beyond any language.

    Anyway, friends, can't really wait for my turn to pick, there's gonna be a plus that I'm sure will get most of you excited. I know I come after Vedhead, so please just tell me when it's the right time to upload... and I promise next week I'll be posting my comments to at least the last three picks... my life's been a rollercoster these weeks, but I'm coming down back to Earth.

    cheers, everyone!
    Stone: Thanks for the pick and the night of complicity, you rock!
    -The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
    Mexico C. 12/10/05.

    "There is a rose that I want to live for
    although, God knows, I may not have met her"
    -J. Strummer

    "And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
  • alobaralobar Posts: 310
    barcoach wrote:
    Belive me, some people in the world can feel it, and when you meet one of them is simply amazing... and I just use that word for the lack of something better, it just goes beyond any language.

    Anyway, friends, can't really wait for my turn to pick, there's gonna be a plus that I'm sure will get most of you excited. I know I come after Vedhead, so please just tell me when it's the right time to upload... and I promise next week I'll be posting my comments to at least the last three picks... my life's been a rollercoster these weeks, but I'm coming down back to Earth.

    cheers, everyone!

    Oh man, I miss you guys! I haven't had much free time and haven't spent a lick of my time on the net, due to an intense Emergency Medical Technician training course AND a new job (building boats) AND volunteering at the fire station. But I feel like I've missed out on so much. I just finished my EMT class, so things are slowing down a bit. I'm so glad the SMC is going strong and that I'll be back in the loop soon.

    Sorry to those that I did not get a chance to dl and listen to. Hopefully I'm not too late for Esthero, vedhead. It sounds cool.
    "I wanna believe in the mercy of the world again."

  • transplanttransplant Posts: 1,088
    alobar wrote:
    Oh man, I miss you guys! I haven't had much free time and haven't spent a lick of my time on the net, due to an intense Emergency Medical Technician training course AND a new job (building boats) AND volunteering at the fire station. But I feel like I've missed out on so much. I just finished my EMT class, so things are slowing down a bit. I'm so glad the SMC is going strong and that I'll be back in the loop soon.
    man, you people are busy! reading this, people with exams etc... makes me feel like I have too much time on my hands.

    I played Esthero Saturday morning. It was cold as hell out, snowing etc.. sounded perfect. So during the 2nd track, I glance over and my soon-to-be 2yr old daughter has her hands in the air dancing around the living room. More of a jump up and down spinning in circles sorta thing, but she was diggin it!
  • transplant wrote:
    man, you people are busy! reading this, people with exams etc... makes me feel like I have too much time on my hands.

    I played Esthero Saturday morning. It was cold as hell out, snowing etc.. sounded perfect. So during the 2nd track, I glance over and my soon-to-be 2yr old daughter has her hands in the air dancing around the living room. More of a jump up and down spinning in circles sorta thing, but she was diggin it!

    Transplant, you're daughter is going to a musician. ;) And a hell of a good one, too!!

    I gave a few more spins, Vedhead27 , and this really fits the season. I like the chill-out vibes fused with some warmth. I think it's the texture of her voice matching with the rather electrical side of the backing track. Trip-hoppy indeed! ;)

    I think I'll try to grab a few drinks and turn the lights down and see what it sounds like then.

    "If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done"

    If you can't get high on purely music and the sounds that you hear, you're missing out on something.
  • VEDHEAD27VEDHEAD27 Posts: 3,091
    Awwww transplant, that is too cute! :) How cool that not only you , but your little one too, are diggin this. That makes me smile! :D

    burnin-candle, NICE! really does fit the mood. I think I picked the right time to expose this band for sure. Glad it's complimenting the feel of winter and soothing you all. :) Few drinks and dim the lights?! Damn! Even better!!! Taking it to the MAX there. haha. Awesome. *Cheers* It for sure is chilled out and relaxing...but yeah, has that little KICK to it too huh? Her voice really does just put my soul at ease. :o

    Ooooh and barcoach, I will re-upload this for you later on tonight buddy and send it your way. ;)

    "Lo√e, you know the word
    ...YOU invented it!" ~ E√

  • sorry for the late reply...

    the first thing that bothered me about this album was that i never heard of it before... especially since i like a lot of similar artists...
    as it has been mentioned before, i get a lamb/portishead vibe from this...
    the singer's voice is great, she reminds me of beth gibbons or björk in places... she has a very pleasant voice but the only problem i have is that she doesn't sound unique enough for me... nothing wrong with that, but to make it to my list of favourite artists she would have to have a more distinct sound... i love pj harvey's voice, for example...
    some of my favourite tracks are Anywayz, That Girl and Swallow Me... but like most of the other posters i don't feel that there are tracks that really stand out... it's more of a mood record to listen to the whole way through... the first time i listened to it i was well stoned, it's the perfect stoner/chill-out album... just kick back and relax...
    it also fits the season, but at the same time it's very soothing and uplifting, i think...
    i'll make sure to give this a couple more spins from time to time...
    Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.

    pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06
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