SMC: VENEER ~ Jose Gonzalez

well, lets hope we have better luck downloading this week. Picked this disc up on a whim. I have read a couple good reviews, couple bad ones. Of course I picked a good one. It may be tough to find a proper mood to listen to this however I hope you get something out of it.
Jose Gonzalez's debut album is an intimate work of quiet beauty. The son of Argentinian parents, but born and raised in Sweden, his music is similar to the half-Venezualan, half Texan Devendra Banhart, but less surreal. Opener 'Slow Moves' sets a mood that persists throughout the album - hushed, sometimes strained vocals and guitar playing that is immediately noticeable for its subdued precision, hinting that beneath the controlled surface of his songs, an intense passion writhes. Only occasionally does he increase the intensity of his attack ('Remain', 'Hints'), where his understated picking becomes displaced by spikey immediacy. It is partly the quality with which Gonzalez plays that enables him to go unacompainied for the majority of the album: 'Remain' and 'All You Deliver' are augmented by slight bongos; handclaps add extra punch to 'Lovestain' and a lone trumpet appears at the end of closer 'Broken Arrow', but these are the only accompanying instruments on the album.
Lyrically, Veneer's concerns are the standard singer/songwriter sort - they evoke a melancholic mood, Gonzalez singing of failed relationships ("You left a lovestain on my heart", 'Lovestain'). The album's production is raw enough for it to be lo-fi, Gonzalez produced and engineered it himself, and he allows his music room to breathe; double-tracked vocals enhancing an already echo-heavy aesthetic.
Fans of Nick Drake, Elliott Smith or M.Ward will find much to enjoy in Veneer. As with many albums by singer/songwriters it is not revolutionary - Gonzalez is a succesor to the aforementioned artists, but he does not build on their work nor imitate it. He has his own style, but this is firmly fixed within the singer/songwriter genre. Interesting to note, however, is that two of Gonzalez most endearing songs are not included on this album - 'Hand On My Heart' and 'Love Will Tear Us Apart'. Like 'Heartbeats', which is on Veneer, they are covers - the first is a Kylie song and the latter by Joy Division. These covers are sublime, and if the quality of Gonzalez's own songs can mirror these then his next album should be a true delight - when judged in relation to these two songs it would appear that on Veneer Gonzalez has not yet achieved his potential.
Jose Gonzalez's debut album is an intimate work of quiet beauty. The son of Argentinian parents, but born and raised in Sweden, his music is similar to the half-Venezualan, half Texan Devendra Banhart, but less surreal. Opener 'Slow Moves' sets a mood that persists throughout the album - hushed, sometimes strained vocals and guitar playing that is immediately noticeable for its subdued precision, hinting that beneath the controlled surface of his songs, an intense passion writhes. Only occasionally does he increase the intensity of his attack ('Remain', 'Hints'), where his understated picking becomes displaced by spikey immediacy. It is partly the quality with which Gonzalez plays that enables him to go unacompainied for the majority of the album: 'Remain' and 'All You Deliver' are augmented by slight bongos; handclaps add extra punch to 'Lovestain' and a lone trumpet appears at the end of closer 'Broken Arrow', but these are the only accompanying instruments on the album.
Lyrically, Veneer's concerns are the standard singer/songwriter sort - they evoke a melancholic mood, Gonzalez singing of failed relationships ("You left a lovestain on my heart", 'Lovestain'). The album's production is raw enough for it to be lo-fi, Gonzalez produced and engineered it himself, and he allows his music room to breathe; double-tracked vocals enhancing an already echo-heavy aesthetic.
Fans of Nick Drake, Elliott Smith or M.Ward will find much to enjoy in Veneer. As with many albums by singer/songwriters it is not revolutionary - Gonzalez is a succesor to the aforementioned artists, but he does not build on their work nor imitate it. He has his own style, but this is firmly fixed within the singer/songwriter genre. Interesting to note, however, is that two of Gonzalez most endearing songs are not included on this album - 'Hand On My Heart' and 'Love Will Tear Us Apart'. Like 'Heartbeats', which is on Veneer, they are covers - the first is a Kylie song and the latter by Joy Division. These covers are sublime, and if the quality of Gonzalez's own songs can mirror these then his next album should be a true delight - when judged in relation to these two songs it would appear that on Veneer Gonzalez has not yet achieved his potential.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'll try to download & listen tomorrow.
Right mood? Ok, I'll try to find that too.
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
If you can't get high on purely music and the sounds that you hear, you're missing out on something.
did the downloading go ok for either of you?
i have noticed these SMC posts...and wonder what this is all you enlighten me?
from my window to yours
transplant, I had no problem downloading. Will post a review tomorrow.
thebetterman, last weeks selection stalled out on me around the 85% range as well. hopefully by the time you get this you will have downloaded successfully. I had to make several attempts last week.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
I completely understand what you mean about the right mood now.
I've heard a few people say that Jose Gonzalez's music is difficult to place, and given his background I'm not surprised.
First things first I must say the guy is one heck of an amazing guitarist. He reminded me of the likes of Joni Mitchell in the sense that he does such a great job of transfering emotion through the guitar---tuning it in ways, strumming it in ways, letting it ring in fit a mood, create a mood, convey an emotion. I really liked that.
Once again I admit that I am insanely critical of vocals, but with that said....I'm not too crazy about his. I found his to be pretty dull, lifeless...lazy. I respect that this probably ties into fitting a mood, conveying an emotion etc....but when it came to his voice being able to do this, to my ears/heart/soul he fell way short. At times I felt as though his voice was just bleeding too heavily into the music and just invading the positive aspects of it. An example of this is Remain. I was diggin the guitar there at the beginning...but then as soon as his voice came in everything just seemed to bleed together.
I really did enjoy these 2 songs...
Stay In The Shade
It's funny, I was highly anticipating handclaps and that just so happens to be one of my fav songs.
I do commend him on making a brilliant start & finish. He picked a great song to open things up with and a great song to finish with. These 2 definitely stand out (Slow Moves & Broken Arrows). I really enjoyed Broken Arrows and felt like it made a lasting impression on me. It made me question wether or not I should really dismiss the album as something I could get more into. It's a great song!!! It's because of this one I went back and listened to the album a second time through. Unfortunately...nothing really changed...but I did appreciate that Broken Arrows could do this and allow that to happen.
I'm all about finding the good in things, especially music. I can find something to appreciate in pretty much all types of music and never disrespect. I'm glad I listened to this and I did get my enjoyment out of certain parts of it. I can definitely see why a lot of people would be into Jose Gonzalez...I just don't think I'm one of them. A few songs here and there is great for me. I plan on keeping a few of them for sure, but an entire cd seemed a little washed out, faded.
At times I caught myself trying extra hard to zoom in on his words in a hope that they would somehow make me connect more with his voice and what it is that he was trying to express. That didn't really work. His words also seemed to lack expression. I just couldn't FEEL the voice or words. They both didn't seem clear to me, seemed kinda foggy and clouded...drowned out by the music, not succeessful in making their own mark and own powerful statement. Other than the great guitar work, nothing else really "struck a chord" with me. I did enjoy the listen though and have actually gone back for Lovestain quite a few times. Again, I do think some of this is good, but an entire cd of it just didn't work out for me.
Thanks transplant!
"Lo√e, you know the word
...YOU invented it!" ~ E√
Like you posted in the review for the album...its not like Jose Gonzalez is trying to break new ground or change the face of music. So I can understand where his music comes from but its just that these songs have all been done before and done splendidly well by the likes of Cat Stevens, Jim Croce, Neil Young and Mr. Zimmerman amongst countless others.
Very few singer/songwriters have impressed me in recent times...Andrew Bird is one who comes to mind but he does this kind of music with a unique touch.
I know its unfair to compare Jose Gonzalez with legends or even contemporaries...but I don't find anything in his music that makes me want to stand up and take notice. I do like Remain and Hints and the album is pleasant but nothing more. I'm sorry if I'm being harsh...but this is how I feel.
It has been mentioned that there is nothing revolutionary here. That's true. The first time through, I was listening for something to grab me and found nothing that made my eyes brows raise. But, that's not a bad thing. Good music doesn't always have to blow you away. Good music can be good for that reason only...just, that it's...good.
The second time through, being a fan of Bright Eyes, I was looking for some words...phrases...moments...that made me want to tell my friends about this record. Well, to me, there are none. There is nothing here that hasn't been said.
In the end, this is just a good record. It's great to listen to it. You can do it passively or you can do it actively. The lyrics aren't so shallow that it's annoying, yet they aren't deep enough to make you pay especially close attention to them.
The standout track for me is Deadweight on Velveteen.
This record will go in my collection as something to pull out and listen to when I need a change of pace from the basics.
I wanted to hear something when I first heard Great Lake Swimmers or Six-Figure Transatlantic. But, it's not here...I still like it. Did anyone hear "The Doors" in Heartbeats?'s in the music and not the singing or the lyrics. That's a good track, too.
Thanks, for the selection, transplant.
end of blathering.
from my window to yours
Trapped (welcome aboard btw) your review was great. There is nothing you have said that I feel that was off the mark. I too was drawn in by the Elliot Smith/Nick Drake comparsions, one of the big reasons I gave this a shot. Tough to live up to those names. I appreciate you giving it a couple spins. It took me about 6 times before a lot of the songs stuck. I think Remain is my stand out but Deadweight is great also.
VEDHEAD, good stuff also, well written review. Gotta like the handclaps
Viggs, I think I am batting 0 for 3 with you. You weren't being harsh at all. Jose is being compared to some pretty heavy hitters and I agree, he doesn't exactly compare to either of the ones you mentioned. Nice on the Jim Croce by the way, HUGE fan of his.
On to the record.......
I really dig Jose Gonzalez! Thanks Transplant! I hadn't heard of him before, so this is a nice surprise for me. What really gets me about this guy is his guitar playing. That's what really stands out for me. I can agree with almost all of the other reviews given already as well. Everyone gave a valid point that what he's doing is nothing new. But then again, I had a hard time pinning down who he sounds like. Yeah, there is some Nick Drake in there, but it's different. And as far as contemporaries, one that came to mind was Bonnie "Prince" Billy, but that comparison only rang true on "Lovestain," which happens to be one of my favorite on the record. I think it was the phrasing of that song that sucked me in. Great stuff. I can't remember what the song is called, but track 10 is probably my favorite on the album. There really isn't a bad song on the album (or none I have skipped over, even on my third listen).
Of course, there's always gonna be a problem of "measuring up," especially when put next to Nick Drake, Elliot Smith, M. Ward, and Bonnie "Prince" Billy. But I know that "Veneer" will stay in my player for a while. Thanks again, Transplant.
Well, I can see the obvious comparisons already mentioned, and since I do like that kind of music, I was pretty excited when I heard it the first time through. The guitar work is beautiful. The emotions really transmit through the different styles of picking and strumming and the quiet, near-husky voice fits in really well. I like how he keeps the songs relatively short, too. Sometimes Nick Drake and co tend to go on a little too long which makes it a little tiring, but Jose keeps them tight and compact, which is much better for music of this kind in my opinion. Lovestain is certainly a killer track. Actually, I don't think there is one "bad" song on this album. They flow smoothly, and if I'm in the right mood (i.e. feeling a little blue or whatever), I would definitely pull this out and play it.
I do have to say though, that he could have experimented more with the music. It's all great, yeah, but "only" guitar is a little waste of his talent. The use of the handclaps was fresh, I mean, how subtle were they! And the little trumpet snippet was just gorgeous! If he puts more of those other instrumentations in, I think it would broaden the scale of his music and add a lot more color to the whole thing. Hopefully he does that on his next album, which I'm eager to hear, after this. Certainly a talent. I'd also like to see what kind of artwork he uses for the albums.
Anyway, thanks transplant! Enjoyed it very much!
If you can't get high on purely music and the sounds that you hear, you're missing out on something.
I will be looking forward to his next release as well. Veneer to me shows serious potential. I think it originally came out in '04 but was just recently released to the States. So hopefully the next one isn't too far away.
thanks for giving it a listen Alobar and burnin-candle, this week has been a blast. Thanks again to all the reviewers.
I gotta agree with viggs, that I'm not too fond of the guitar-singer formula. But this is completely personal and it has to do with my teenage years and my social surroundings. The thing is here in Mexico -and in many parts of Latin America- it's almost a ritual for the "leftish dudes" listening to a bunch of "protest singers" that since the 60's have made a career based on their guitars and voices trying to copycat what Dylan or Neil have done in the best way (but lacking their amazing poetic talents). So, I was not exception, and as teenage I wasted a lot of time listening to those songs, gettin' into foggy bars to listen guys playing them, trying to learn the chords... And now it completely bores me, annoys me and I just can't bare listening to anything remotely similar to that stuff.
So, when I found out Veneer basically followed that same formula, I though "Oh, God, please no..." However my prejudices were slightly fading out with the obvious talent Jose shows as songwriter. From my point of view, although the influences may be clear, he has developed a style of his own to talk about usual topics. As Vedhead, I don't think his voice is particular touching, but it's personal, and that's a great achievement. The thing I liked most is his songs are far from being predictable, and I think Crosses is the song where Jose reveals what his skills are capable to do. Other highlight moments of the album for me were Lovestain, Heartbeats and Broken Arrows. But gotta agree with burnin'-candle that I also find an album of only guitar and voice kind of a waste. In this times, I think, you gotta be proposing something really good or different or shocking to justify that kind of album. Even more because I think some touches of other instruments (a bit of synth, a not-so-loud drum set, maybe some fiddle, a subtle electric guitar, a female chorus; something similar to what Bruce did whith his newest album, "Devils & Dust") would have helped to improve the songs, to make them sound more alive, to give them a tighter presence. As it is, this is a good debut album from a unique songwritter; but it could have been a delightful album from a unique performer. Anyway, Jose Gonzalez has the final word on this, and if he feels comfortable with his choices, I don't think we have much to say, except for "I like it and would like to hear more", or just "man, I recognize the guy's talented... but maybe I lack the talent to really apprecite him". This has happened to me with one of the artists some of you have mentioned: the late Elliott Smith.
-The crazy guy with the Ramones t-shirt.
Mexico C. 12/10/05.
"There is a rose that I want to live for
although, God knows, I may not have met her"
-J. Strummer
"And you'll never know just how dark this screen could be"
wow, everyone is always profusely thankful when i introduce them to nick drake for the first time. i think that you're the first person to ever say that. cool...i can totally respect that.
the more i listen to this gonzalez disk, like i said, i do like it, the more i like it.
from my window to yours
but now i've gotta say that everything i was about to say about this album has already been said...
however, i'd like to stress again that it is a mood record... some times it would do nothing for me, other times it's just the kind of atmosphere i need... i'd group him with devendra banhart and sufjan stevens but he's definitely a lot less experimental and easier to swallow which doesn't have to be a bad thing... the songs are more immediate than those of the aforementioned artists...
i also like his guitar playing a lot...
did i already say it's a mood record? yes, i guess so...
but there are mood records and mood records... i'm trying not to get off topic but while i think that björk's "medulla", for example, is an amazing mood record i'm almost never in the mood for that album... jose gonzales, however, soundtracks a mood i'm in a lot... it's not my new favourite record but i'll be coming back to this...
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06
i just received the actual cd as a birthday present, so i'm listening to this even more...
and i have to say he's really growing on me...
Some days you wake up and sit on a park bench next to an eighty year old Russian architect, and some days you don't. I think this is my new life philosophy.
pearl jam @ the astoria, london, 20/04/06