JCM 800 50W v 100W...any difference?

Hey all,
I'm in the market for a Marshall JCM 800. I see a lot of 50W models around, and only a few 100W. Is there a major difference in sound between the two, or is it more of a volume thing? I won't be playing any gigs with it, so I don't need anything super loud, but I want that JCM 800 sound. If there's absolutely no difference other than volume, I might go for the 50W just because it's easier to find. Anyone have any experience with both of them?
I'm in the market for a Marshall JCM 800. I see a lot of 50W models around, and only a few 100W. Is there a major difference in sound between the two, or is it more of a volume thing? I won't be playing any gigs with it, so I don't need anything super loud, but I want that JCM 800 sound. If there's absolutely no difference other than volume, I might go for the 50W just because it's easier to find. Anyone have any experience with both of them?
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
If you're not really looking to play it loud, you won't really be able to get that
marshall jcm800 tone without an attenuator or some kind.
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Make sure you price in a nice speaker cabinet as well. If you've got a 100 watt greenback cab it's going to breakup much sooner than a 300 watt G12T75 cab but have a lot looser warmer tone to it than the tight and focused G12T75 cab. Vintage 30's are sort of in between and are very popular. It just depends on what you are looking for.
They have reissued the JCM 800's for what it's worth. I have not played the reissue yet.
+1 on the speaker cab notion. i use vintage 30s on my jmp and my other guitarist uses a greenback cab with his 800. i think that both cabs sound better with his 800 than the cabs with the 75 watters. you have to crank those pretty high to get the marshall growl you are wanting.
best advice is to just try to play as many as you can before buying, and trust me i know there are not a lot of them readily available at your local shops. i found a few in pawn shops for a pretty good price but i never trust pawn shops for high end vintage gear. there are usually some on http://used.guitarcenter.com/usedgear/index.cfm and you can finance those if you don't have the cash right away. i would trust them over some shady pawn shop or the crapshoot that is ebay.
i have played several of the reissues but they only reissued the 100 watters so you will have the same problem with needing an attenuator to get the tone you want.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
http://used.guitarcenter.com/usedgear/index.cfm it is a super bass 800 head but can be used for guitar. these heads sound pretty good and have more low end than the fairly trebly 800s imo
http://used.guitarcenter.com/usedgear/details.cfm?listId=104335535 this is a channel switching 800 head but there is no photo yet. unsure of watts
http://used.guitarcenter.com/usedgear/details.cfm?listId=119113755 100 watt lead series single channel head. this one looks pretty good
http://used.guitarcenter.com/usedgear/details.cfm?listId=104881364 this one has been modded with a boost of some sort
http://used.guitarcenter.com/usedgear/details.cfm?listId=104738802#anchorDescription this is probably a 100 watt reissue. it looks too good to be vintage and that price is about what the reissues are going for
http://used.guitarcenter.com/usedgear/details.cfm?listId=104669091 100 watt 2 channel from late 1980s
thats about all of them at guitar center. you can call the store where each of these is located and ask questions about any of these. hope this can at least get you started on finding your new amp.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
there you go, fantastic. all the words in the world, can't substitute your ears. Congrats on finding the sound you were looking for.
You do realize however, this never stops
for the record, try a BBE maximiser in the loop and when you go shopping, Mesa Rectifiers should peak your interest.
cool, so you're well covered then, excellent.