Wah pedal and/or amp picking up radio stations?

Ok, this is one I've never encountered.....
I just moved to a new state...got my amp and pedals all set up, and noticed that when I turn on my wah, I hear a freakin radio station through my amp!! The wah in question is a Dunlop Crybaby 535Q. Anyone know how to combat this?
I just moved to a new state...got my amp and pedals all set up, and noticed that when I turn on my wah, I hear a freakin radio station through my amp!! The wah in question is a Dunlop Crybaby 535Q. Anyone know how to combat this?
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The first step in troubleshooting is to find out where in your rig the signal is coming from.
First check to see if it is coming in through the AC Adapter. Use the effect with a battery and see if it is coming in through the wall. If it is, discontinue the use of the AC Adapter. If this doesn't work, then...
Second, check to see if it is coming in through the guitar. Turn the volume of the guitar down to zero and see if you still get the radio signal. If yes, you might want to try putting a .0068-microfarad capacitor on the input jack between the tip and the shaft. (The capacitor can be a ceramic or polyester type and voltage rating of any size works.) This will also kill the high end of your sound. If this doesn't work, then...
Third, check the inductor. If you have a metal inductor, you can purchase a shield from us and place it over the inductor with a ground wire that is placed under one of the screws on the PC Board. This acts as both an AC Hum and RF shield. (It is part number ECB99 - and lists for $12.00) If this doesn't work then...
Fourth, open up the pedal and unsolder the black wire from the pot. Slide some Ferrite beads onto the wire and re-solder it. The size, number and shape of the beads depends upon the signal that you are getting, and we have not found any rhyme or reason as to which beads work with which signals. If this doesn't work then...
Fifth, wrap the entire wire harness in Mumetal foil, which comes in a tape format, and hope that that works, because after that who knows!
Getting radio stations on your wah pedal is unfortunately, the nature of the beast, and has been that way since its inception. In some areas it is worse than others. It is especially bad in the great lakes region because the lakes act as large antennas sending out the radio signals to all areas - and all wah pedals."
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
I found the trem was worse than the wah, and I now only plug it in when I want to use it. THe difeference between plain humbuckers and EMG actives is remarkable too. I get next to no noise with teh EMG's vs a heap at times from the passives. The power in my room is filthy.
I just had an MXR Phase 90 arrive in the post today. It will be interesting to see that that does.