Drummers, help wanted ! :)

I would really appreciate if you can help me to solve this scruple. I am the begginer, but i've went to music school few times just to learn basics. Now,i'm looking for drum set (BD, SD, TT, TT, FT):). I don't prefer second-hand things, neither second-hand drums.
I would like to buy solid set, not too cheap, not too expensive . Maybe that's wrong. If I buy lil bit expensive drums, i won't know the difference beetwen them and the cheaper ones (like the difference beetwen ferrari and fiat:D).
I was offered some stuff, so i would like to hear what do you think about this drums/ brands and maybe you have some experience playing on them:
TAMA-Imperialstar + Zildjian cymbals Z4 set (and i have to buy one cymbal stan additionally) = about 1200$
SONOR-Force 1007
MAPEX-V series+Zildjian cymbals Z4 set (everything included) = about 1000$
So, whats your opinion?
Thanx in advance
I would like to buy solid set, not too cheap, not too expensive . Maybe that's wrong. If I buy lil bit expensive drums, i won't know the difference beetwen them and the cheaper ones (like the difference beetwen ferrari and fiat:D).
I was offered some stuff, so i would like to hear what do you think about this drums/ brands and maybe you have some experience playing on them:
TAMA-Imperialstar + Zildjian cymbals Z4 set (and i have to buy one cymbal stan additionally) = about 1200$
SONOR-Force 1007
MAPEX-V series+Zildjian cymbals Z4 set (everything included) = about 1000$
So, whats your opinion?

Thanx in advance
...the north is to south what the clock is to time...
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Post edited by Unknown User on
I would go with a Pearl Vision series. They've received great reviews both in print and from actual owners on various drum forums. They have have great customer service also. You can usually get a good deal at Musicians Friend Or Guitar Center.
Right now Guitar Center has a 5 piece like you wanted for $599 and you get a free double pedal. That's a pretty good deal.
If you go Tama, go Superstar. There are 3 different series in the Superstar family and usually there is one in the $600 range.
These two sets are a step up from the ones you listed, but they give you many more upgrades and features for not much increase in price. So think of it as you get what you pay for.
As for cymbals, I love Zildjian, but I'd say stay away from entry level Zildjian. The ZXT,ZBT,Planet Z.
They just aren't good and you will find yourself with crappy sounding crap and be totally uninspired.
I've heard Paiste PST5, and Sabian XS20 are all great entry level cymbals. Sabians B8 Pro's are also decent.
With drums, you can usually make a set sound quite acceptable through the changing of heads, dampening, etc., but clangy, one dimensional cymbals will always sound clangy and one dimensional. A few extra dollars go a long way towards a professional and inspiring sound.
Sorry this was so long. Best of luck. PM me if you have any other questions about anything
As for cymbals, don't get the beginner ones from either Zildijan (ZBT, etc-series) or Sabian. (B8 pros are pieces of crap) If you go Zildijan, I'd suggest the A's or Z's. (Custom's) For Sabian, I'd go with either the AA, or AAX. They're pretty cheap, but are good quality. I've had a few sets where I mixed Sabian and Zildijan and got a pretty cool sound. It's all up to what you want, and what you want to spend. Take a look at both sites and see what your favorite drummer uses...always a good starting point to get "that" sound.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
and buy good sticks ...if not you can forget the rest
good luck
That said, the mid-level stuff from Tama is solid, not especially tonal, but can take a good beating and still work. Pearl is a little more tonal, with shells that ring out a little more. Both are a decent value, are known brand-names, and have decent re-sale value.
Sonor can be hit-or-miss; I'd stay away from their beginner's sets, but their mid-level and upper-level drums are great. I own a Force 2001 kit (from 6 or 7 years ago) with basswood shells that I love. Good hardware, and amazing finishes.
The one I haven't heard recommended so far is Pacific Drums (or PDP), the affordable line of drums by DW. PDP kits are pretty affordable, are well-made, and sound pretty good. I'd definitely give them a look.
I would say you can't go wrong with Yamaha drums; ditto Gretsch. Even their cheapest kits are pretty damn good.
One last item: I don't have any experience whatsoever with them, but I've always been curious about the ddrums brand. They've got a punk-rock image that they aspire to, but the drums look like they could be alright. Maybe someone else here has used them, and has more info? Their kits are at least really affordable.
It's also probably worth mentioning that new drumsets are sold with really shitty heads. I mean really, truly terrible heads. You'll probably want to budget around $60-100 to replace at least the batter heads of every drum, and probably the resonant head of the snare drum. Eventually, it would be advisable to replace the resonant heads of all the drums (it sucks to spend the money, but a good resonant head will last for 5 or 6 years, no problem, since it never gets hit). I just re-headed my Premier drumkit, tops and bottoms on everything except the kick drum, and it was expensive. But worth every penny.
I agree going with used higher end cymbals. I bought a set of Sabian B8's just to have something right away and pretty much wasted $300. If you are going to go with budget cymbals to start, The Paiste Alphas and even the PST5 are the way to go. But I would listen to them first. massmusic.net has good prices on Paistes. By taking my time and looking around, I got a 22" Paiste 2002 Power ride for $70 (used), 18" and 19" Paiste Dimensions crashes both for $150 (new, discontinued)