Pedal Order

What order would you guys place these pedals:
Boss TU 2 Chromatic Tuner
Boss BD 2 Blues Driver
Ibanez TS 9 Tube Screamer
Boss Chorus 1
Boss DD 3 Delay
MXR Phase 90
Boss RC 20XL Loop Station
Would you guys place these pedals infront of the amp and the loop station through the effects loop at the back of the amp or vice-versa? Or place everything infront of the amp and what order?
Boss TU 2 Chromatic Tuner
Boss BD 2 Blues Driver
Ibanez TS 9 Tube Screamer
Boss Chorus 1
Boss DD 3 Delay
MXR Phase 90
Boss RC 20XL Loop Station
Would you guys place these pedals infront of the amp and the loop station through the effects loop at the back of the amp or vice-versa? Or place everything infront of the amp and what order?
Post edited by Unknown User on
You don't know the fairly typical pedal order by now??? Do a quick search, there's tons of info.
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I'll help anyone if i can, with any information, but nothing pisses me more, than answering questions about things that are easily found yourself. I dunno, but when i was learning i was excited to search and find stuff out myself. Like tabs. Even if you don't know about Given To Wail, there is an enormous tab sticky at the top of the page and if you miss that, then google is your new best friend. How the hell can someone not be able to find a tab for something like immortality or crazy mary by hitting google at least.
There's a difference between helping someone who genuinely needs a hand, and helping someone who is too damn lazy to search for themselves.
Edit to add:- I just wanna stress that i am not saying that people should not ask questions, there are many people here who are experienced and can offer valuable advice to others. I'm just saying that the only way you will ever retain what you learn is to seek it out yourself and then ask if you are not sure. It's like watching a movie, i could tell you all about it, but if someone watches it then tells me the story and i have not seen it, i just don't get it all. You are always gonna miss bits. If that makes sense. Ok. I'll shutup now.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
Ian vom Saal posted this a while ago. Use it. And please, for the love of god admins, make it a sticky.
It came from Robert Keeley himself. If you don't know who he is, all you need to know is that he's right and you're wrong, so take the advice. Real easy for even a 4th grader to remember. If you don't know the difference between Pitch and Modulation, google it. Please, not one more thread about what order to put pedals in. Try it yourself if you have multiple OD's and don't know which one to use...
I'm pretty sure Hendrix, Page, Knopfler, McCready, SRV, Clapton, Neil Young, David Gilmour, etc didn't have forums to ask questions on. They dicked around until they had a sound they liked. Don't be afraid to "Do It Yourself" every once in a while. Questions are one thing, but acting helpless is not for musicians.
Well, I'm not annoyed and let's look at your group of pedals, Jam10.
Try this to start:
Boss TU 2 Chromatic Tuner
Boss BD 2 Blues Driver
Ibanez TS 9 Tube Screamer
if you have an effects loop in the amp then try these after.
MXR Phase 90
Boss Chorus 1
Boss DD 3 Delay
Boss RC 20XL Loop Station
That's a start as you get the overdrives going before time based pedals like delays and chorus. The signal gets more complex as it moves through your chain. You can try switching the Blues Driver and TS9 around, too.
It also depends on how you're using the loop station. You can put the delay after the loop station, too, if you REALLY want to confuse the amp and neighbors.
If you have an effects loop in your amp, use that for the delays and even chorus and phaser, depending on how you like your sound. Delays are usually better after the preamp (which is the effects loop).
I don't have effects loops on my old amps, so I just use that order to go to the amp input.
If you're recording or playing live, try putting the delays, even the loop station and the chorus after the amp altogether. That way you send a fairly simple signal through the amp and speakers and let them do their thing, especially if your driving the power tubes in your amp. Tube amps sound better to me when there's a fairly simple signal going through. Choruses, ( Chori?)
I just got my Space Echo the other day and that sounds even better after the whole amp. I mike the speaker into the mixing board, or PA or whatever we're recording with. Right now I have a TS9 and Shannon overdrive into my amp, then all the other delays and chorus between the miked speaker and the mixer.
I'm always a promoter of trying different things. I set mine up on an ironing board so I don't have to bend over all the time and it's easier to fiddle with the knobs and pedal orders to get my sound first, then put it all on the floor.
It also gets you out of ironing clothes!
If you're just playing at bedroom levels into a small amp then ignore all the above and just try that order into the amp and most of all
Have fun and experiment!
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
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Thanks for the advice.
It's not you personally. Please don't feel like a bad guy or anything. I'm sorry if I made you feel like that. I've been on your end of this before (which is probably why I was comfortable being on my end this time). Think of it as a "tough love" thing! JK
the way i see it, its like two people talking about something and someone walks past and goes "whats wrong with you people? why are you asking each other those dumb questions? look it up in an encyclopedia!!"
you asking this is a way to maybe connect with someone who is wondering the same things....and maybe the two of you get to talking and hit it off and become friends or who knows
back in the day i used to really be into the band Phish....and i was at a show with this guy who was in my class at the time, wouldn't quite call him a friend...we were both older, more knowledgeable Phish fans who knew every song and whatnot......and sitting in front of us was this young group of kids who were obviously at their first phish show and didn't know any of the songs or didn't know every little thing about the band like we my "friend" starts making fun of them for being young and out past their bedtime and how they don't even know the names of the songs.....and he looked over to me for approval, but i was absolutely freakin mortified...i told the kids not to let this guy ruin the show for them....i wandered off and left the loser and enjoyed the rest of the show on my own.....and i never talked to that douchebag again
so yeah, thats what i think about that
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
I actually was just fooling around with my loop station and I set up everything backwards from what people consider the norm and I came up with some cool sounds. Haha, still going on downstairs and the neighbors are probably wondering what's going on now!
I have the roland space echo first then phaser or chorus to the overdrives to the looper. Always take the rules and bend them a bit!
Putting the tuner after that mess may cause it to freak out after that signal hits it, though!
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart